Thursday 21 April 2011

The Cronwell legacy! ch.1/gen.1

Hello and welcome to my new legacy called the Cronwell legacy.
It features the founder of the legacy, Terra Cronwell.
So here goes :

Terra: we have been dating long and i think it is time......

Xander: time for what...

Terra:  will you marry me

Xander: NO! just joking yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Terra: Xander I love you so much.

Xander: The same to you Terra.

two weeks later terra and xander got married!

terra: i love you xander

xander: i love you too!

As soon as they got home they flew to the bed and woohoo'd!

 terra: i just can not keep my hands to myself!

xander: I don't care ;)

They put back on there clothes and hudgged each other

Xander decided to exsplore the town and it't content......

She decided to developed her cooking skill as she would need it.

Xander finally decided to join the law inforcemnet career.

after that he visited the bookstore............

and then the groceries store............

when xander came home he started reading logic volume 1.

 Also terra went out to attend a painter class......she had this weird look on her face because the teacher pianted a nacked man!
Terra: Man i will never unsee that picture !!!!!!!!!!

when she got home she planted 4 apple seeds and 4 lettuce seeds!

 after that terra decided to have a little bounce on the trampoline!

After that she started looking for a job but had no luck.

Because she was bouncing on the trampoline she got sweaty so she took a bath
in the bath she started to feel sick and quickly got out.......

 The vomit came up and she flew to the toilet as fast as she can............

 She threw up waffles,mac and cheese and pancakes!

Because she vomited her belly was empty,so she ate some leftover waffles.

 After that she went to bed!
thinking about a stork in it's nest.............
 after that she started practising her guitar but..............
 stopped and rean to the toilet agian!
 and imeadietly throw up!
agian she prepared some autum salad but in a different sytyle..............
 she stopped and felt something heavy in her belly and there and then she knew she was pregnant!
 terra was now three months pregant and her back was already killing her although she always found the strength to garden!
 she did laundry,clean the dishes,cooked thr food and miantianed the house!
while she was pregant so she had a word with xander but he did not really listen
he said he was always busy with work and police cases!
 also a month later terra brought a pregnancy book and started reading it......
Meanwhile xander was improving his logic skill more(he really needed to get that promotion for the exspecting baby or babies!)
xander : you do not want to know what bianca is doing!
 later on terra anounced the news to her best friend bianca!
tera : guess what!
bianca : what?????
terra : i'm pregnant!!!!!
bianca : OMG OMG OMG OMG!
How many months?
terra : 3 months!
bianca : godd for you i will come see see ya tommorow k....
terra : ok see you !
 they fianlly went to bed...............
terra : baby......babies!
xander : baby................promotion...................bianca................



  1. Quite fast paced :)
    first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby carriage. ^_^
    It will be fun learning about the characters.

    1. Aww! Thank you for going back to the very first chapter and reading it :)

  2. I love the name Terra <3
    Can't wait for baby 1!


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