Monday, 5 September 2011

Chapter 20/Part 2 (Gen.2) : Tradegy in the family

Part 2 (Note NRass's master controller is used in this chapter and I will also be using photo bucket):
Sophie's P.OV.
I called 999 and they arrived within minuets and rushed mum to hospital...
Taylor comforted me we were both scared would mum be OK would the baby be OK ...
Dad finally got here he had to leave work in the middle of the football game!
Dad also comforted me and Taylor we were terrified.Dad told me I was smart to call 999 because any longer and it would of been worse!
Dad told us  a story about what happened at work!
It was halerious!
Dad waited patiently for mums surgeon to tell him what happened and if the baby was OK...
 2 hours later mum  regained consciousness  ...
And the surgeon walked in,she had a sad and sorrowful look on her face...
Aries P.O.V.
The nurse told me the news:
''Mrs Aries Cronwell I am afraid to say due to your fall you miscarried and we had to do a emergency Saarinen to get the baby out..I am sorry for your loss Mrs Cronwell''
I trembled...
I lost my baby the baby I was going to love and take care of the baby that was going to have three sibling to enjoy the baby that I lost...
 I ran that's all I did ran...
I ran to the highest mountain top in sunset valley and stared over the town I spotted my house and my mother house and my brothers house
When I came home Carter was putting the kids to bed he was such a good husband and a friend he was always there for me thick and thin...
I sat outside on the balcony thinking how my life would be with that baby here, how it would be so joyful and amazing how fun and lovely it would be..and now it is all gone forever...
I laid on the couch dreaming about the unborn baby....
Thanks for reading and please leave a comment here

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