Thursday, 23 August 2012

Generation 6, Chapter 7 : It's Time.

''Morning Cas, you sleep well?''

Two years passed by and a lot happened in that short time. The most important thing was that Harrison and I became a proper couple about one and a half years ago. He eventually moved in with Nadine, Tasha and I and quickly grew fond of my home. One thing that I learnt about Harrison was that he was very disciplined person. He told me he learnt it from his Sim Fu training as a teenager.

Also, Nadine's suspicions of Austin proposing to her was right. Exactly two years ago she went on a date with him on the beach and he proposed to her there, of course she said yes. Today is her wedding day and my house became pretty chaotic. She hadn't got her make up done, her dress wasn't delivered to my house yet and Tasha was still fast asleep.

''Harrison, get your lazy ass up and get ready.''

I turned around frowning at him before he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and pulled his boxers up. My frown turned into a daze as I couldn't but stare at his muscular body that I couldn't resist. Suddenly I heard a bang from the hallway which snapped me back into reality.

''Ready for what?'' He said with a groan.

How can he forget that today is Nadine's wedding day. ''Harrison you idiot, it's August the 21st.''

''Oh my god. Nadine's wedding.''

''Yes. Now can you please get up and get ready, Austin's waiting upstairs for you.''

Austin and Nadine seemed to be perfect together. Now to think of it, if it wasn't for him meeting her that night six years ago in a bar and getting her pregnant, they wouldn't be here today about to get married. It's funny how such small details effect life decisions.

Once I forced Harrison off his lazy butt I went to see if Nadine was ready, only to find her stressed as ever.


Nadine somehow thought of the idea that Austin really didn't love her. How could he not love her, she's Nadine. Everyone loves her! She may be inappropriate and annoying at times but she is a perfect girl to live with, and too men; a perfect girl to marry.

''Cas what if he doesn't truly love me.''

''Of course he loves you Nad, why do you think he proposed to you.''

''I don't know.''

''Nadine, two years ago you were over the moon that he proposed to you and today is your wedding day and your slumped in a chair like this. Plus your ruining your hair.''

Suddenly I noticed that Tasha was eavesdropping but tripped on something and fell head first on the floor. She quickly got up and sat on the chair at the other side of the room.

She was nowhere near ready for the wedding. Her hair was a complete mess and she still had her pyjamas on.

''Mum, I kind of heard from outside saying that dad truly doesn't love you. He seriously does.'' She pushed her air backwards and carried on talking.

''Last night Dad told me something that before he tucked me into to bed, Tash, tomorrow you, your mum and I are going to be one big happy family. Were going to move into a three bedroom house with a big garden for you too play around in all day. Who know's, maybe one day you may have al little brother or sister which you can entertain and be a great big sister. From tomorrow we are all going to be one big family.''

That very little speech made Nadin so happy. 

Looks like this wedding is going according to plan after all.


Austin couldn't help but think about the fact that Nadine may not love him, and that he was just marrying him for Tasha's sake. At this moment he had mixed emotions and couldn't decided on anything.

''Seriously Harrison, what if she doesn't really love me?'' He said before sinking his head into his hands.

''Stop talking rubbish Austin, of course she loves you. Cassidy told me that she is over the moon at the fact that in five hours, she'll be Mrs. Stone.''

What Harrison said made him feel a bit better, but not enough. He stared at the four drinks on the table and mumbled, ''Maybe a drink will fix this.''


Four hours later....

''Okay Cas, I'm ready. All I need to do is my make - up.''

''I'll do that for you.''

''You know your the best friend I've ever had.''

''Yeah, I know that.''

It only took me eighteen minuets to do her make - up. Although she loved to apply foundation and blusher on her face I personally thought she didn't need it.

She took a deep breath and got out of her seat, she took Tasha and I's hands and smiled at us.

''I'm ready girls, I'm ready.''

Tasha grinned at Nadine, ''Does this mean my name is going to be Tasha Stone?''

''Yes honey, were going to be one big happy family.''


''Maybe I just need a drink or something to calm down my nerves.'' And on that note Austin gulped down all the drink within ten seconds. He let out a big slurp and took another.

''Cheers mate.'' Austin said to Harrison before handing him a drink. 

Just as they were about to leave Austin stopped Harrison to ask him something.

''Hey Harrison, are you ever going to propose to Cassidy?''

''Hmm.. maybe one day, but the thing is if she says yes.''


Half and hour later we were at an enclosed park watching Nadine & Austin become Mr. and Mrs. Stone. There was no doubt about it that I was so happy for them but I knew that Austin had plans to move out with Nadine and Tasha and I was going to miss them so much. But everyone has to carry on with there life, an that's what there doing.

''Your officially Mrs. Stone.'' Austin said with the happiest face I had ever seen in him.

''Yes, Yes I am. I just want you to know that I love you so much Austin, and I can't wait to spend the rtest of my life with you.''

Instead of Austin replying to her, he pulled her in for a kiss and we all clapped for them. My best friend is finally married with an adorable daughter. 

Harrison pulled me in and kissed my neck.

''I'd love to get married.'' I said smiling at Harrison.

''You will someday.''

''To you?''

''A certain man called Mr. Smith.''

Was that a proposal?


Thanks for reading Chapter seven of The Cronwell Legacy. What did you think of the ending?
Please comment on what you thought and I'll reply.

Thanks, :)


  1. N'aww! XD But I still sense something kinky about Nadine! XD No really! Sorry! lol XD I hope that was a proposal! They're just adorable together! XD I wish them many babies! XD LOL So great chapter! Looking forward to more! ;D

    1. Thaks Kuba, well Harrison we see some sense soon and propose to her quicker than you think ;)

      Thanks for commenting :D

  2. It better be a proposal!! I havent commented in a while now o.O
    But I love this generation!! Harrison is just... YUM
    But all those Smith boys are >.<
    Tasha is an adorable kid! Hopefully she will get some siblings soon, eh?
    Cant wait for your next post!

    1. Thanks Amiee for the wonderful comment :D

      Thanks, I really do love this Gen. too :)

      Haha maybe they are :)

      She really is, she'll get some siblings soon :D

      Thanks for commenting :D

  3. What a cute wedding, hurry up and marry Harry Cas lol! XD

    1. Haha be patient LJ, They'll be married soon :D

      Thanks for commenting!


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