Friday, 21 September 2012

Generation 6, Chapter 14 : You lived and left a legacy.

Harrison and I were lucky enough just to catch the last flight to Starlight Shores, before it took. Once the driver stopped by our house and I got out the bags Harrison called me form the car and pointed at two people standing in front of our house; my mum and brother.

Just by noticing there facial expression and tears rolling down there cheeks I knew exactly the news I was about to hear wouldn't be good. At all.

I dropped my bags and power walked up the path towards my mum. I stopped and glared at her.

''Mum, Kieran what's wrong?''

My mum instantly broke into tears so Kieran took over talking. He wiped many tears off of his face and began talking.

''Cassidy, I think you better come inside.''

''Okay were inside, now can you tell me?'' I said while dumping my bag on the piano behind us.

''Okay....'' My mum said with a quivered voice like she had just woke up. ''.....Your granddad...''

''Mum please just tell me, what is granddad ill?'' Mum broke into tears again and I pulled her in for a hug.

Kieran began to speak once again. ''....Cassidy granddad isn't ill, he's... dead.''

My heart sank.

The first thing that popped into my mind was, 'How?' but instead I stood there staring into my mums eyes, seeing my granddad in them and I began to cry. I tried so hard to stay strong and not break down but I just couldn't hold it in.

''H-how?'' I asked waiting for anyone to answer my question. Instead of mum answering my question she began to cry again and wipe her tears with her cream jacket.

Again Kieran starting talking again, he stayed strong and was able to hold most of the tears in.

''Natural causes Cassidy. He died last night in his sleep just a few hours after he called mum telling her how much he missed Grandma Dayna. Aunt MJ found him in the morning lying alone in his bed and she instantly knew something was wrong with him. She called the ambulance but it was too late, he died hours before so there was no chance of survival.''

I didn't respond but instead lunged myself into my mother's arms. I had learned over the years that whenever I was in a bad state of life, that place was best for me.

''Let it out Cassidy, let it out.'' She said while brushing her hand through my silky hair.

Kieran also stroked my hair and then I lunged at his arms, with him being taller than me despite being four years younger than me, was much easier for me to hug him.

''Kieran, are you okay.''

''I've been crying all day Cas, I got it all out.''

Harrison must of heard all the crying form the car and rushed in right after I hugged Kieran.

''Yeah were fine Harry, it's just my granddad. He dies yesterday night.'' I said, tears strarted to form once again as I finished saying the word 'dead'.

Death is a horrible thing and a horrible feeling, if only there was a way to escape it for ever.

''Oh my god guys, I am so sorry.'' He said while wiping each tear off of my cheek with his thumb.

''It's okay, he lived and left a legacy.'' My mum said while wiping the remaining tears off of her face.

''It's okay Cas, everything is going to be okay.'' He said with a reassuring look on his face. Maybe everything will just be fine.


A week later flew by and my grandfather's funeral came along. The day I had been dreading for a long time finally presented itself right in front of me. All of our family that lived in Starlight Shores attended the funeral expect for my dad and uncle Evan's wife because they were both a conference meeting in Bridgeport and Moonlught Falls. We brought a small area of the graveyard to bury granddad so he would rest in true peace with his wife away from everything.

While everyone was mourning at the sight of granddad's gravestone I cut through the crowd and cried on Harrison's shoulder.

''Oh Harrison, why did he have to die now?'' Harrison pulled me in even more and stroked my back. ''....Life and death are two very important things that can once be happy, but can end in sorrow.''

I looked at him shaking my head and hugged him once more, what he had been saying was completely true.

As the day passed along we decided to each say something about granddad.

Vanessa ~
''Granddad I know I was never the best granddaughter to you but now that your gone I realised that I shouldn't of acted like a stupid brat for five years and annoyed my parents to hell, instead I should of been myself and never follow people just because they look cool. In a way your death taught me something, thanks.''

Mary - Jayne~
''Dad... what can I say. I love you? Dad when I found you that morning I obviously knew that you were dead and I knew from that day I was going to miss you forever. You may not have noticed but I was very dependent of you so that's why I never moved out. Basically dad I miss you, and I can't wait to meet you up there, See you soon.''

''Daddy you know everything we've been through for the past fifty years. From the day I was born I could tell even as a child that you loved me and that I loved you as my father. You helped me with almost everything in my life and without you I probably wouldn't have nothing I have today. You choose my fate and it turned out to be grate, and I'm thankful for that. I love you daddy.''

''Granddad you helped me find my true talent of painting and I thank you so much for that. Do you know that I got a degree in Art and Design and I am hoping to become an architect soon! I just wanted to say that I miss you so much and thanks!''

''Daddy why do you have to go? Being a middle child is really hard and I still need you in my life, I'm not ready to let you go just yet but I know I got too, for the sake of our family. Seeming now that I am the oldest in the family I'll hold it together. Dad I swear on my life I will make you proud to have me as a son, I promise.''

''Mr. Cronwell I swear you are the most funniest man I have ever met in my life! I honestly think you were the perfect guy to run this family and I really do you hope you rest in peace with your wife by your side.''

''Granddad over the past ten years our relationship became real close. Remember the time we went to Sunset Valley so you could see your mother's grave and I could meet my ancestors? I know your gone but I know your watching over me.. in fact your probably watching all of us now and saying 'Oh them  little plebs, stop worrying about your old grump up in heaven!''. I know you'll be happy to meet your mum again and say hi to all my descendents! Granddad I swear I will do my absolute best to carry on this family's legacy and fur-fill Terra Cronwell's wish. I promise.''

''Goodbye.'' We all said in sync and bundled together praying for Riley. He really did lived and left a legacy.


I am so sorry.

Thanks for reading Chapter 14 of The Cronwell Legacy, I really hoped you liked it.

Please comment!

Thanks, :)


  1. :'( I knew that from the last episode some thing bad was going to happened...

    1. I know I'm so sorry :(

      Thanks though for commenting :)

  2. ,kmjnhbgvfcvfgbhnujimkoliujhygtrf

    1. ;_; I am sooo sorry.

      Thanks for commenting.

  3. I know, he was a great heir ;_;

    Thanks for commenting Annika :)


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