Sunday, 21 October 2012

Generation 6, Chapter 20 : Twinbrook

A week passed by and we were all settled in the Twinbrook. Although Starlight Shores is my home town I would choose Twinbrook over it; the nature, scenery and friendly neighbours make it a perfect place to live.

Just as I thought the twins loved the new town too, as soon as we set them down they flew out of door and unto the front porch digging up grass and picking flowers for me.

Harrison on the other hand loved the city part of the town, especially because he worked in that part of the town.

Also, the street we moved unto was truly serene. First of all the neighbours were so hospitable to us and unlike Starlight Shores, the streets actually didn't have chewing gum wedged into it. Sadly though, my parents and uncle Evan's family live across town.

Our house was the first house along the street we lived on and I could tell very much it stood out the most; It's brown brick effect and dark wooden windows really made the house look amazing.

With the twins both growing so fast their personality's developed even stronger.

Declan was an adventurous toddler, forever trying to escape from his stroller and explore the town. His viewpoint of the town was like it was the whole world!

Robin was a very smart, but quite child. He was obsessed with drawing little houses on his drawing table which made me notice he amazingly creative side.

As the weeks went on, we quickly got settled into out new house. It was very similar to our old house but this one has an loft room.

Robin and Declan both are still pretty hard to look after and with Harrison and I going back to work in just a year, it's going to be even harder.

''How's my little Dec Dec?''

''I'm fine mummy, but I'm tired.'' I snuggled him and Harrison and I took them to their nursery.

''Goodnight baby, sleep tight.'' I kissed him and he tugged back at me.

''Don't let the bed bugs bit me mummy....'' He slowly said with his high voice.

''Don't worry honey, mummy won't let them bite you.'' I kissed him once and again and kissed Robin to oand went to my room to find Harrison there to.

''Cassidy, how do you like the idea of trying for another child?'' I paused in my daydream and rewind what Harrison said 'try for another child'.

More babies.

''Harrison, you want more children?''

''Yeah! I know the twins are hard but I think once they grow up they'll be a lot of space and time for another child. So can we?''

''Uh...'' I paused to think about it.

More Sickness

More backaches.

And what if we somehow have twins again.

I brushed aside all of my thought and came to a decision.

I pulled Harrison in and kissed him. ''Let's have another baby...''

''Are you sure?''

''One hundred percent.''

Harrison kissed me one more time and before I knew it, we were making out on the bed which led to other things....


Harrison insisted that we focus on keeping ourselves and the twins healthy. Apparently meditation help to sooth and improve our brain stimulation.


That doesn't work at all.

Ten minuets later Declan, Robin and I all fell asleep on the edge of the trampoline. I don't know how I managed to fall asleep and the how the twins managed to fall asleep on me! The last time they fell asleep on me was when they were newborn.

I heard Harrison burst out in laughter at the sight of us three falling asleep so quickly. He ran inside to get a blanket and covered us.

''What an interesting family I have....''

~ A year later.....~

Before we knew it a whole year flew by and the twins were now children. Also Harrison and I were able to go back to work because the twins had after school activities going on until six O'clock in the evening.

Hey, Robin... you do know mum's having another baby right?'' Declan said to Robin.

Robin fell off of his ladder in complete shock. He soon regained his balanced and replied to Declan.

''Wait, WHAT! Mum's having another baby, when did this happen!?'' Robin had so many questions to ask but instead Declan laughed and slapped his back.

''When a man and a woman love each other very much they create a baby.''

''You mean, S-e-x?''

''Yes Robin, Sex. Sexual intercourse.''

''DON'T SAY THE REAL WORD!'' Robin pushed Declan unto his bed and clamped his ears such with his hands.


Thanks for reading Chapter 20 of The Cronwell Legacy. 

The reason I'm posting another post so soon is because this post is quite short and boring so it wasn't really worth waiting for, in my opinion.

Also, my good friend Hannah updated her awesome blog :

Please check it out!

Please comment,

Thanks so much :)


  1. This is engaging, it caught my attention and I couldnt wait to read the next line:)
    Very creative,excellent story line, full of intique. I wish I could have read the first 19 chapters first:)! I will have to check into them and read this story from the beginning:)
    Good job!

    1. Oh my god, thank you my new reader :)

      I really appreciate your kind thoughtful words!!

      Thanks you for reading & commenting!

  2. ANOTHER BABY!!!! :D

    Great post, the twins are adorbs!!!
    Can't wait for more!

    1. Yeah, there sure is a new baby on the way, in fact I should play Sims now!

      Thank you so much!
      Thanks you for reading & commenting!

  3. Great story, and I love the picture of twins sleeping on mommy's knees :)

    1. Aww! Thanks you Riceball :D

      Thanks you for reading & commenting!

  4. YAY!!!! MORE BABIES!!!!! :D *wishes for a little girl* ^_^


    1. Yeah *coughcoughyourwishwillcometruecoughcough*

      Thanks you for reading & commenting!

  5. I hope it's a girl too! Yay! More babies! :D Actually, it'd be awesome if she had multiples... :D

    1. Oh it's definitely a girl :D
      I know it would but I don't think I'll be able to deal with TWO sets of twins!!

      Thanks you for reading & commenting!

  6. hey it`s gmile 1223 are you still useing the club i made and if you can,can you pick one of my houses to or a house instead of a club

    1. Hi there,
      I decided to use the Lucky Casino instead of your club, I'm really sorry if I hurt your feelings! :/

      And no, Sorry I make my own houses.

    2. obviously you build your own houses.....

    3. Are you trying to imply something...?

    4. enough said already figure it out

    5. Are trying to say that I build crappy houses?

    6. i dont know am i trying to say that? if you think there crappy then they are,your choice

    7. I think my house are good, and I should think that because I want to be an architect.

      So if you have ANYTHING to say say it, now.

    8. or what? and yes i do believe your houses are terrible

    9. What and your are so great? Trust me I've such better house than yours. Let's just be honest now, I never used your clubs or houses because I though they were ugly but I didn't want to hurt your feelings...

    10. i know im not great but i still try and yeah i have seen better houses than mine too and no my houses aren`t ugly they are better than most peoples

  7. Those boys are too darn cute! ^_^ I just wanna snatch them right up and claim them as my own. Lol! xD
    I can't wait to find out the gender of the new baby. :D

    (aka Dawn)

    1. Lool DON'T YOU TOUCH MY TWINS! Just joking :)

      I know they really are... but just wait until their teenagers!!

      Thanks you for reading & commenting!

  8. Thank you :)

    I know, I really can't wait for their 3RD child!!

    Thanks you for reading & commenting!


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