Friday, 25 January 2013

Generation 7, Chapter 9: My married Sister.

It’s been a month since we arrived back in Twinbrook and Lindsey is coming close the end of her pregnancy. The Doctor said she was 34 weeks ahead in her pregnancy and she and Tony desperately wanted to get married before the birth of their child.

Their wedding day quickly came upon us and Lindsey could barely stand up straight without aid of Tony!


‘’Look at me, I look like a freaking whale.’’ She said, staring outside the window into the Church garden.

‘’No you don’t!’’ Paige said.

‘’Pregnant brides are absolutely stunning!’’ Gemma said.

‘’Thank you but I really don’t agree.  For the first 6 months I loved being pregnant but now it’s just generally tiring and I feel like I’m whale marrying a toned and hunky man.’’ I said, sighing. It was true though, I hardly ever complained about my pregnancy until the very end of it.

‘’Listen Lindsey, do you think Tony would be marrying you if he thinks you look like a whale?’’ Gemma said, creeping into the room.

‘’I don’t know, I just want this baby out of me, now.’’ I said, rubbing my unborn baby.

 ‘’Don’t say that!’’ Paige said, I think she interpreted it wrong.

‘’No, don’t get me wrong, I love being pregnant…’’I said, rubbing my belly and feeling my baby kick.’’…It’s just that I can’t take being pregnant any more, I feel like a watermelon is just pressing on my bladder every freaking second. Talking about bladders, I need to take pee.’’

Robin walked in seconds after and grinned at me.

‘’Look at my beautiful sister!’’ He said, still grinning at me.

‘’More like my fat ass sister.’’ I replied, really needing to use the toilet.

‘’Listen Sis, there is a difference between being pregnant and being a fat ass.’’ He pointed out.

‘’Whatever you guys say, quick suggestion to Paige and Gemma…’’ I said, looking at both of them. ‘’…Try and get married to my brother BEFORE your past six months of pregnancy!’’ I said, laughing at them; They just looked at each other with awkward faces.

I can definitely see my brother, Robin, and Gemma getting married. They just seem so good together.

However, my other brother, Declan, and Paige have an interesting relationship that to be honest, I don’t think will stand for much longer. But Paige told Gemma and I something VERY interesting which will change both of their life’s in the months to come.


I left to the girls to help Lindsey to the toilet and got back to Declan and Tony. Tony decided that he’d make us both his best men just so he didn't leave Declan out because he was obviously going to pick me; at least, I think so.

‘’So…are you happy to marry our sister? Declan and I said in a bad boy accent just as a joke.

‘’Of course, I really love you guys sister, she’s amazing.’’ He said.

‘’I bet. She got her personality from our mum, just like me. Robin’s boring like our dad…’’ Declan said.

‘’Hey! I am a very excitable person thank you very much!’’ I replied, cutting my eye at Declan.

‘’No you’re not!’’ Gemma shouted out from the other room.

‘’Neither are you, darling!’’ I shouted back, as a joke.

‘’Just watch when we get back home, you’re in big trouble.’’ She replied.

‘’I bet!; Anyway….’’ I said.

‘’So Declan, do you see you and Paige tying the knot?’’ I asked Declan. There was an awkward silence and a few awkward stared before he started to talk.

‘’To be honest, I’ve always loved Paige, through thick and thin, even when we broke up for a few years, I still loved her. I still do now and maybe one day, in the future, we’d marry.’’

‘’Well, mum will be happy. She’s been pushing for all three of us to give her grandchildren!’’

‘’Well, I have a suspicion that Paige may be pregnant, because she’s been sick for a few weeks now…’’ He said.

‘’Don’t jump to any conclusions; you guys need to talk about this. Tell her to take a pregnancy test, then you can know for sure…’’

‘’Enough about me…’’ Declan said, turning around to smile at me. ‘’…What about you and Gemma? ; Together  forever?’’

‘’Yes, well I think so. Lately I’ve really started to see how much I love her and I’m thinking of proposing to her soon, probably after Lindsey has her baby.’’

‘’Well, it looks like mum will get more than one grandchild then!’’ Declan said, winking at me.

‘’You should really go for it Robin.’’ Tony said, smiling at him.

''Did I hear you say 'Granchildren'!?'' A familiar voice called out, it was of course, my mother. I was surprised, yet wasn't to see how much my dad aged and how much my mum didn't. She must use some type of anti-aging cream to smooth out those wrinkles, if she ever has any.

''Hello there, mum.'' I said, turning round to smile at her.

''Hey boys, where's the bride?'' She asked, peering from corner to corner, searching for our sister.

''She's just putting on her impossible heels.'' Declan said.

''SHE'S READY!'' Gemma called out, and we all took our seats.


My father ushered my sister down the isle, as tradition. She was glowing so much in her beautiful short white maternity wedding dress.

It wasn't too long before they were saying their vows, they both seemed so happy for and with each, and I knew that their, they were going to love and cherish that baby growing inside of her.

Tony' Vows:
Lindsey, that very first day in Bridgeport, when I met you, my life flashed before my eyes. Not my past life; My life with you. I love you so freaking much and I swear if I did not meet you back in Bridgeport, I don't know what my life would be like, right now.

I have you.

I love you.

And most of all, I love our baby inside of you.

Lindsey's vows:
I'm a bitch. Everyone know's it; But when I met you, something changed. In high school the boys I dated were just useless fools but you... your much more than that. You love and care for me, isn't that what every women wants?''

''Amen!'' My mum butted in from the crowd.

''...Anyway..the point is Tony....

I have you;

I love you;

And I'm going to love our baby.'' She took his hand and placed it on her belly. Every started clapping and some people even teared up, and by some people I mean my father.

My parents were completly teary eyed at the sight of them seeing her getting married. Their little girl, off with her husband to have another little girl...

As they walked back down the isle together everyone threw confetti and cheered the new Mr. and Mrs. Robbins on.

I looked over to my right to see Declan and Paige saying something to each other, Paige was smiling at him and he looked almost distorted like she told him something very surprising.

The second best part of the wedding was the reception. It was in the basement of the church but was decorated to perfection.

Tony and Lindsey cut the cake almost as soon as we got down here.

As the evening progressed, we all slow danced together.

The Bride & Groom. I could tell they were going to be really be 'Together forver'.

Declan & Paige. Their relationship is difficult but I think they can settle their 'issues'.

My mother & father. They've been together for thirty years now, and they'll probably be for another.

Gemma & I.

''So Rob, do you see us getting...married?'' She asked me, staring deeply into my eyes.

''To be honest, yes...I do. I love you so much Gemma, please do not forget that. I love you.'' I replied.

''I love you too, Robbie... More than anything else.'' She said, and we kissed.


''Dec, I have something...really tell you...'' Paige said, looking down as if she was completely nervous.

''What is it Paige?'' He said.

''I-I-I'm'' She stuttered out.

''You're what?''

''Pregnant, I'm pregnant. Were going to have a child.'' She said, looking back up at him.


After we all ate our meals we decided to skip around a bit later to socialize  but then suddenly I heard almost a bucket of water drop unto the floor. Declan was the first one to look around to see the puddle came from Lindsey's leg; Her water broke.

The baby wasn't due for another eleven days.

''CRAP.'' She shouted out, holding her large belly in pain.

Every got up from theirs and panicked. Even my mother, you had given birth three times, didn't know what to do.

Tony finally lugged her to the car, where she went to the hospital...


Tony and Lindsey never got to go on their vacation because they had to tend to their baby girl, Emily Anna Robbins.

I have a niece, a beautiful and precious niece.


I know a lot of people have been looking forward to Lindsey giving birth so I thought I'd add Emily into this chapter, isn't she just precious? <33

Anyway, thank you so much for reading Chapter 9 of The Cronwell Legacy.

Please read & comment

Thanks, :)

[EDIT: The church in this post was made a awesome Sims 3 creator, and it is called St. Ursines. It is not able to download any more.]

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Generation 7, Chapter 8: Were finally home.

Twinbrook had more or less completely changed when we arrived off the plane; Not only did Twinbrook change  so did our lives.

As you know Lindsey and Tony are getting married soon and after that, expecting a baby. Tony, obviously  moved back to Twinbrook with us but most importantly, his wife-to-be and his unborn child.

Declan and Paige actually sorted out their 'issues' with each other and their relationship.They seem to be getting on really well and Paige also move back to Twinbrook to live with him.

As for Gemma and I... were good. To be honest with everything going on around us, we haven't had any time to express and show our love for each other. I love Gemma, with all my heart but we just never have time for each other.

...Hopefully that will change now that were back in Twinbrook, settled down.

Before we took a visit to mum's house, we stopped at the new local diner near the river.

We only ordered drinks and started to talk about Twinbrook. Just as we started Lindsey jumped out of her seat in excitement.

''The baby's kicking!''

''Oh my god, it is!'' Tony said, putting his hand and head unto my sister's belly.

''So... how are you liking it here in Twinbrook so far?'' I asked everyone, but I mainly directed it at Gemma.

''... I like it. It is complete different to Bridggport, where I grew up, so it's going to take some getting used to.''

''I can help getting you used to it.'' I said, grinning at her.

''And how could you do that Robkins?'' She asked me, winking seductively at me.

''Oh just you wait and see...''

Paige interrupted out minute of flirting by sharing her opinion to all of us.

''To be honest, I don't think this town is my taste. It's nothing like Bridgeport and is a bit too country for me, but I do love the scenery, it is much prettier than Bridgeport, that's for sure.''

''...Okay...'' I said, dismissing her point. Although Declan seems to be happy with Paige again, I still haven't completely forgave her of what she done to my brother, and neither did Lindsey, it seems.

''...So Declan... are you ready to go see-er- mum?...''

''I...-uh-...-erm...'' Instead of Declan carrying on stuttering, he got out of his seat and walked over to the swing set.

''I knew that would set him off, you need to go and do something.'' Gemma said, throwing her head to the side where Declan was.

''What? What should I do? He's scared, I can see it.''

''Talk, that's all you need to do. Talk.'' She replied, I got out of my seat and turned around slowly to see Declan looking depressed.

''You know mum and dad will be happy to finally see you...'' I said as I took a seat on the swing next to him.

''I know but I'm still scared. I mean, it's been five year since I last saw mum and dad. I'm scared of change. They've changed, you've changed, Lindsey's changed, this whole freaking town has changed and I'm just scared of it, scared of the change.''

''Declan you really don't know how much they want to see you, their afraid too, of what their little boy has become. You have to face them Declan, you have to.'' I said, staring blankly at the ground.

''Fine, but I'm not ringing the doorbell.'' He said.


Just an hour later we reached our parents house. It still looked the same, at least, from the outside.

Us three siblings stepped up closer to the door.

''So... who is going to press the bell...?'' Lindsey asked.

''Robin.'' Declan said.

''Why me!?''

''Because you're the eldest child, therefore you should press the bell.'' Lindsey pointed out, with a nod of agreement from Declan afterwards.

''Fine...'' I said, sighing.

''Ding-Dong,Ding-Ding-Dong....'' The bell went, we heard calm footsteps approach the door and turn the handle.

''Goodeve-.'' Our mum started to talk before she saw who was actually at the door.

''Hi mum.'' We said all in sync.

She was completely astound at the sight in front of her, she looked straight a Declan, then at Lindsey's belly, then back at Declan.

Her eyes widened with shock, then with sadness, then back to shock. It seemed she couldn't force any words what so ever out of her mouth.

''My babies....''

''Uh... Hi mum. It's me... Declan.'' He said, rubbing his hands down his thick brown hair, which coincidentally resembled my mothers.

In fact, all of our hairs were different. I got my father's (Red), Declan got my mother's (Light Brown) and Lindsey, somehow, got a mix of both colours into her hair making it a Light Brown/Red colour.

''M-M-My babies!'' My mother said, wrapping her arms around all of us, but mostly Declan. Before she mentioned anything about Lindsey's baby bump she quickly tended to Declan's lightly bruised face.

''What happened to you Declan? Are you okay? Did someone do this to you?'' She asked, question after question fired out of her mouth. Declan pulled away and frowned.

''I'm fine mum, I just uh... fell down the stairs...'' My mum was about to question that 'apparent' incident but she was interrupted by my flabbergasted father.

''D-Declan? Is that you boy?'' My father also stuttered out. Unlike me mother, my father was angry at Declan.

''Where have you been young man? What have you been up to? Are you well? Your mum and I have been worried sick.''

''Drop it dad, seriously this is not the time, nor the place for this talk.'' Declan said, not accepting dad's hug.

Gemma and Tony went upstairs to explore our childhood home while we all had a proper family talk.

''Declan. Let's just get right to the point, why did you not contact us for over four years?'' My mum asked. It caught everyone off guard.

''It all started once I left Twinbrook....''

''As you know, I moved to Bridgeport and moved in with my girlfriend, Paige. I got a job as a photographer and it actually payed very well. Paige also had a great career and things were going great for us. A couple of months later Paige and I decided to try for a baby and she fell pregnant...and then she changed. She began to not want our baby any more and we had a massive argument about the whole situation. She said she wanted a Abortion as soon as possible and I told her to sit down and think about it but instead she stormed out and she went to the clinic... and purposely had an abortion. She killed our baby. We never talked for days and one day when I came back from where I was doing this photo shoot I suddenly realized she changed the locks on our door. I looked up and there she was looking down at me and throwing my clothes out the window. She said to me, ''I'm not expecting anything any more so you can get your stupid little self out of my life. I hate you.'' I really didn't know what I done or what was wrong with her so instead I took my clothes she threw out and lived in a hotel for two years. A year later I lost my job thanks to depression and was soon living on the streets.

I was thinking of coming back home but I was... too scared. Scared of what you'll all think of me. What I piece of shit I turned into...

So instead I turned to drugs, I never took them, just sold them. I was beginning to make money in the slums of Bridgeport but most recently I got into some trouble with my 'Boss' and got what I deserved. And just from today I was sleeping behind a filthy old bin behind Aquarius.''

What he said caught everyone off guard, especially my parents who sat there looking at Declan, in absolute shock. 

With Lindsey being clever and all, she diverted the conversation unto her, taking the stress off of Declan.

''Mum;Dad, if you didn't notice, I'm pregnant!''

Dad got up, looked at Lindsey and went a much paler shade of his own pale skin tone.

''Y-Your pregnant? With Tony, right?'' My dad asked, beginning to sweat.

''Yes dad, it is Tony's. I am now a whore. Plus, were getting married in two months!''

''I can't believe I'm, I mean we, are going to be young grandparents! Also, congratulations to you and Tony on your engagement! I can't believe my little girl is going to have another little person, maybe even a girl!'' My mum couldn't contain her excitement.

My dad on the other hand, was still standing there in shock.



''Yes honey?'' She asked me, with a smile.

''Are you happy? With us being back?''

''Robin dear, I cannot simply put into words how happy I am to see all my babies back together in on house; To see my little girl have a little girl of her own; To see my eldest son done a good job of looking after his younger siblings.'' She said.

''Thank you Robin, thank you so much.'' ''I love you.'' My mum said, hugging me.

Hours later, it got late and it was about time we all went back to what used to be only my house. Now I share it with Six, soon seven, other people.

''It was great to see all of your guys and remember to come around tomorrow at about six, I'm cooking lamb chops & roast potatoes!'' My mum said, wrapping her arm around my dad's back and winking at me.

''We will! I enjoy your Lamb chops mum so I'm sure this baby will too!'' Lindsey said, rubbing her belly.

Were finally home.

In one place.



Well then, this was quite an overdue post, Sorry! I just haven't had the effort to write another post but I pushed myself today because I had a few demands for a new chapter!

Anyway, thank you so much for reading Generation 7, Chapter 8 of The Cronwell Legacy.

Please leave me feedback!

Thanks, :)