Saturday, 31 March 2012

Generation 4, Chapter 7 : Surprises

It has been a month since the wedding, many things has happened. For one, we have moved houses to a beautiful beach-house on the coast of Starlight shores. Also I was given a promotion to ''Sing-a-gram pro'' a few weeks ago and now I get many more hires for sing-a-grams. Also Chelsea and I went on a honeymoon but it was very short as we didn't want to leave Jade for long. Talking about Jade, tomorrow is her birthday and we are very excited but very said as she is growing up sooo fast!

Jade now has a full head of soft Hair!!! I was quite surprised her getting my Ginger/brown hair as I thought she would of got Chelsea light brown hair.

This are AMAZING beach house. It was designed by non other than my mums great friend and Architect, Destiny rose! My mum got her to come to Starlight shores and design and hired some builders too build it.

The master bedroom is the best room in the house (My opinion) it has three massive windows which has an ocean view which makes me feel so relaxing just looking at it from my bed.

Chelsea taught Jade simple words the other day like, ''Mummy'' and ''Cup'' and ''Star - Light''. Jade caught on to the ords very quick and even said some words she certainly didn't learn from us!

''Isn't it beautiful Chelsea?''

Yes it is, Like you!''

''Chelsea I love you, very much, I want to be with you forever and live a happy family with you and I and Jade''

''Riley, I love you too, to bits''. We ended up making out with each other and then one thing led to another and...

''Ugh, Riley I think I need to see a doctor, I feel HORRIBLE!'' This morning Chelsea woke up puking by the side of our NEW bed, feeling dreadful.

Her head was pounding her, I will look on the internet later to see if these are any symptoms of the flu or something. Maybe she picked up an illness form our Honeymoon in France.

Chelsea got all the strength she had and had a shower, got dress and came down to celebrate Jade ageing up into a hopefully good child!

Happy Birthday My baby Girl 

She aged up into a right cute child. She is almost a carbon copy of me (But a female version). She has my eyes and Hair. I never really commented on that as she was a toddler.

The following afternoon we took a nice stroll down to the Kids park and let Jade play on the Playground for an hour.

''Daddy, Push me higher, Higher!'' Aww Jade made me laugh the way she was chanting at me to make her go higher. She made me laugh when she started singing.

Reach for the stars
Climb every mountain higher
Reach for the stars
Follow your hearts desire
Reach for the stars
And when that rainbow's shining over you
That's when your dreams will all come true

''You know I love you, Chelsea''

''Nah Riley, what ever reason did we get married then?!?''

We wrapped are arms around each other staring at our little girl having the time of her life on the Swings!

~ Chelsea's P.O.V~

Suddenly I got up, raced to the corner and threw up .......

I think I'm Pregnant

Hurry I have finished this chapter
Seriously yo people's don't know how Tired I am

Anyway Thanks for reading Chapter 7 of The Cronwell Legacy

So it's 01:04am in the morning

Goodnight ( Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz)


  1. Wow another baby on the way, can't wait! I love little Jade she is so cute! Great chapter! XD

    1. Thanks LJ I know right she is my Fav so far!


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