Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Generation 8, Chapter 8 : ''I killed him.''

I somehow managed to stumble back into our apartment with a face full of tears.

 I wiped every single smudge of mascara from my cheeks but I suddenly broke down again, leaving my face full of mascara once again.

I heard Ceallach coming out of his bedroom and my first instinct was to run to mine so he never say me like this.

So I did.

''I k-killed him ... I k-killed him ...'' I kept on whispering to myself; Slapping my cold, lifeless back against the bed frame.

''Ugh Stella ... are you okay?'' Ceallach asked, knocking on my open bedroom door.

''It wasn't my fault ... He hurt me first ...'' I cooed out.

''Who hurt you Stella, it better have not been that fucking excuse of a boyfriend!?'' Ceallach shouted out, with a face full of anger.

I couldn't keep it in anymore, I couldn't hide that fact that I was a murderer ...

I suddenly jumped up and stumbled towards Ceallach, he opened them as I fled into his comforting arms.

''I killed him Ceallach, I killed Andrew!'' I blurted out, burying my eyes into his shirt.

''Please do not tell me you mean that literally Stella ....?''

''I do ... We were arguing, much more than usual and then h- he... h -he ...'' I broke down once more in his arms.

''Go on Stella, it's okay ... Your big brother's here for you.''

''He pulled out a knife and slashed my cheek, right here ...'' I said, pulling my arm up to feel and show my throbbing cheek to Ceallach. ''Then I grabbed his arm which had the knife and stuck it into his chest .. and h-he dropped dead right -I-In front of M-Me...'' I replied.

I honestly thought he was going to drive me straight down to the Police Station but instead he sighed and grabbed hold of my arms, crouched down and started talking to me.

''D-Did you hide the body ...?'' He asked me.

''Yes, deep in the brushes on the beach.''

''Did anybody see you?'' He asked as well.

''... No ...'' I said, aimlessly lying.

''Okay ... Well that's good, tomorrow, early in the morning make sure that Andrew's body was hidden perfectly, burn the clothes you're wearing right now and never speak of this again. No one murdered no one.'' Ceallach blurted out, I looked at him in complete shock at what he said and instead of replying, I simply nodded.

He walked out, completely stiff and once he left and slammed the door shut and bursted into tears once again.

My body somehow then drifted towards the bathroom and I found myself in front of the mirror ... With a pair of scissors ...

''I killed him. I killed him. I killed him.'' I repeatedly said to myself, in sync with every snip I took to my hair.

''I-I killed him ...'' I said one more time, dropping the scissors. I looked at my self deeply in the mirror, and all I honestly was a muderer.

''I killed him.''



The feels ; __ ;

Thank you for reading a ... Sad, short chapter of The Cronwell Legacy. I really hoped you liked it and if you did, please leave a comment if you can! 

Thank you, :)

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Generation 8, Chapter 7 : Murder she committed ...

* Eights months later ... *

Month by month, things seemed to have gotten better for Ceallach, yet worst for me ...

Just weeks after moving back to Sunset Valley, Ceallach started dating one of his colleagues from his work place, her name was Jubilee, and they both already seemed to love each other very much. Most of the time, when both of them weren't at work, Jubilee would hang out at our apartment and herself and Ceallach would constantly talk about how much they loved each other and all that romantic business!

... I could definitely see them two together for a long time, although I was sure Ceallach hadn't told her about his true sexuality, which could cause a huge problem for them in the future.

Unlike Ceallach's love life, mine was slowly heading for the depths of despair ... Ever since we moved here, Andrew's changed and even shown his true colours; he had this sudden short temper and surprisingly not taking it out on me, yet , he takes it out on our furniture ... throwing glasses at the walls, dropping plates in his rage and once he even kicked down the bathroom door. Ceallach constantly tells me to drop him cold ... but I just can't, at least not until he turns to me with his rage ...

''Oh don't mind me, I just came to my paint brushes!'' I cheekily said to Ceallach, as himself and Jubilee jumped up from the couch that Saturday evening.

Juubilee chuckled while Ceallach did the common 'rubbing his head in awkwardness' and I didn't blame him, with me, his sister, walking in on him and his girlfriend!

Jubilee suddenly pulled over Ceallach and whispered something in his ear ... ''Cel baby, tell her about the -.'' The what?

''No, not right now!'' He replied, loud enough for me to hear.

''Yes now, Ceallach! When are you going to tell her, when I have a big bu-.''

''Okay fine, I will!'' He whispered back to her.

''Ermm, Stella ... can we go somewhere private, I - er - need to tell you something really important?'' Ceallach asked me.

''Sure, how about Janet's room; she's at the beach?''

''Sure ...''

''So what's so important to tell me ...?'' I said, waiting for an answer. Ceallach took a deep breath and began to speak.

''Jubilee's ... P-Pregnant ...'' He blurted out with all confidence. I was totally caught off guard by his words, I mean I thought Ceallach would be much careful in that area.

''You are joking, right? You just started working!'' I said, clearly waiting for an explanation.

''I know I have, and yes this was unexpected but we've decided to keep it and I'm one hundred percent sure we'll work our way through this.'' He explained.

''Well if you're completely sure about this, who am I stop you! I'll support you and Jubi through this as much as can, only if you make me godmother of course!'' I joked, winking at Ceallach.

''Why of course, you're going to be the greatest godmother, and auntie!'' He replied back with a big hug to go with it.

''Wait Cel, have you told Mum, Dad, the Twins, Rose?'' I asked him.

''Now now Stella, one step at a time! I guess I'll break the news to them tomorrow ...'' He said, awkwardly.

''I'm going to be an auntie!'' I shouted through our apartment in pure excitement.

''Congratulation Jubilee, I'm so happy for you and my brother!'' I said to her, pulling her in for in a big hug.

''Thank you, Stella! Ceallach honestly thought you would be angry at him for us deciding to keep the baby, I told him you wouldn't!'' She explained, glancing over at Ceallach and grinning.

''Angry!? Hell no! That's my little niece or nephew in there!''

''Sure is!''

''So how many weeks along are you?'' I asked Jubi as we sat down. Before she could answer Andrew came stumbling out of our bedroom, almost half naked, with his usual negativity.

''Ugh, what's with all the shouting!?'' He said angrily. ''I'm trying to sleep!'' He added on.

''... You've been sleeping all day ...'' Ceallach muttered under his breath; surprisingly Andrew didn't flip out onn him, instead he gave him a pretty dirty look.

''Well if you weren't sleeping all bloody day you would of heard Jubilee's pregnant!'' I said to him, both angry at him and still excited for Jubi and Cel.

''Oh great ... all we need is a little rug rat running around here!!'' By time he said that Jubilee was getting out of her seat, ready to give Andrew a piece of her name but I calmed her down and spoke to him myself.

''Excuse me!? How dare you talk about my future niece or nephew like that!'' I said, shouting at him.

''Well it's not like children are exactly calm and quiet; it's the least we need around here right now!'' He explained, stumping his foot like a little child.

''You're so pathetic Andrew, you know that!''

''Oh I'm pathetic, you're the one cussing out my own brother's unborn child! What kind of man are you!'' I asked him, angrily.

''A man who felt so bad for you that I went out with you, kissed you and even moved in with you just because I was pitiful for you! That's what kind of man I am!'' As he said that I stumbled back a bit, comprehending what he just said.

''I-I'm done ...'' I said, chocking on my tears while I ran out of the apartment.

*Jubilee's point of view*

''Great work you fucking idiot!''  Ceallach said to Andrew, heading to him like he wanted to punch him ...

''Stop Ceallach, stop! Punching him isn't going to mend your sister's heart ... Only he can; Andrew go after her... you may not love her but she deserves an apology.''

He sighed and went into the bedroom, most probably to get dressed and go after her.

* Stella's Point of View*

I just couldn't find a reason as to why Andrew would do this to me ... W-why he'd make me think that he actually loved me ... When in fact he didn't, one bit.

I could sense him approaching me but I continued to look at the ocean glisten along the moonlight.

''Stella ...?'' He said, softly as he tapped me on the shoulder. I flipped around and slapped his filthily hands off of me.

''Don't you fucking touch me, you don't have that right to anymore!'' I shouted at him.

''Don't get off on me, I just told the truth!'' He replied, I literally gasped in shock at him actually thinking what he said about me was the 'truth'. I took a deep breath and looked back into the ocean one more, then back at the devil himself.

''The truth!? Oh Andrew you have some fucking nerve to do this to me you know, some fucking nerve! Oh and if it wasn't clear enough, we're over! Move out by the end of tomorrow please ...'' I said quickly, trying my absolute best not to cry in front of him, making him know that I was actually sad ...

''I'm not going nowhere, Stella.'' He replied, smirking at me.

''What do you mean you're not going anywhere? You bloody are.'' I replied, rolling my eyes at him.

''I said I'm not going anywhere ...'' He said slowly once more, he smirked at me and reached into his pocket. As I saw him pull out something sharp, most probably a knife, I knew this wasn't going to end well so I tried to run ... but he wrapped his bulky arm around mine.

I kicked and kicked, I even kicked him in his balls but it wasn't hard enough for him to release me ... instead he struck me across the face with a very sharp Kitchen knife.

Blood was beginning to ooze out of it as I stumbled back into the sand. I held my cheek in pain and surprisingly, I decided to run at him.

''Aaaah!'' I screamed out as he and I both tackled each other, weirdly at equal strengths. I kicked him once more in the balls and he punched me extremely hard in the shoulder with his free arm, after he punched me I suddenly got reach with his hand with the knife in it.

My mind told me to end it.

Stop the pain he caused ...

Get revenge ...

... Kill him ...

Just as he was about to issue another blow to my face, I quickly twisted the knife hand into his chest and he let out a loud gasped, and dropped to the floor.

I let him fall straight to the ground and he fell just millimeters away from my own two feet. It was just seconds after that blood from his own body flooded the surrounding sand ...

He was still gripping the knife when he dropped the floor and to me, it looked like he could of committed suicide.

The perfect lie to tell.

I looked around, left and right, hoping no one saw me what just happened ... but suddenly I saw Janet emerge from a bush, staring blankly at Andrew's body.

''You -k-killed him ...'' She said, in complete shock.

''I-I didn't! I was an accident; I swear!'' I replied to her as I looked completely guilty ...

Before I could say anything else, she ran away, and not back to the apartment ... for the highway ...

''Janet please, listen to me!'' I shouted out, but it was too late ... She was gone.

By time I hid him, the tide came in a washed his blood pool out from the sand. I pushed his lifeless, heavy body right into the depths of the brushes and looked to see if anyone else had seen me ...

... No one would ever know I was responsible for the murder of Andrew Thompson ...



I think the Gif says enough ...

Thank you reading Chapter 7 of The Cronwell Legacy ...

Please leave if a comment if you can!

Thank you! :')

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Generation 8, Chapter 6 : First times.

Surprisingly, Sunset Valley hadn't changed at all since we first left for University, the only physical difference was that they built a huge Spanish resort in the upper class housing areas of Sunset Valley.

Being back took from University a huge relief off of myself, and I can probably say the same thing for all of us.

Before we actually went to University Ceallach and I decided we'd move in together after it and we even put a deposit on a flat on the coast of Sunset Valley and it was practically waiting when we arrived.

However, things changed as I invited Andrew and Janet to live with us just a few days before we graduated and although Ceallach wasn't for their invitation, he agreed!

As the huge moving truck, driven by Andrew, stopped outside the apartment and the rest of us stopped behind it in Ceallach's car, everything finally seemed to become real.

Ceallach and Janet gossiped and giggled with each other while taking out some of our boxes from the truck as Andrew snuck up behind me with a surprise kiss.

''... Are you sure you don't mind me living with you, I mean, I can get my own place...?'' Andrew asked me.

''No, no! Of course not, you're my boyfriend!'' I replied, quickly kissing on the cheek and returning to the van to continue to unpack.

The one bad thing about this apartment was that their was no elevator, and with us living on the fifth floor, walking up many flights of stairs was a difficulty for me... or us.

''Well... at least it's big...'' Janet said, breaking the silence.

''But it's empty!'' I pointed out, still in shock from seeing not even one piece of furniture.

''Oh yes, I forgot to tell you Stella...'' Ceallach said, awkwardly staring at me to fully explain. ''...The ex tenants came back to take their furniture and all the left was a couple rugs, bed boards and an art easel or something like that in the living room ...''

''Oh for god sake, now you tell me!'' I replied, very angrily. Janet was the first to approach the living room and I followed along, sighing because I knew what to expect.

''Okay.. well it's not that bad!'' Janet said, trying to be optimistic.

''Yes it is; there's not even a couch; or a fridge!'' I pointed out, looking into the entrance of the Kitchen as well as the Living Room.

''Okay it is bad, but we can do this place up! Andrew can go and buy the basic living room stuff, Ceallach you need to buy some bed sheet, pillows, all that stuff and Stella, we'll decorate the rest of the Apartment with the remaining stuff we took from University! Trust me guy, it'll be done in no time!'' Janet hoped.

''Sounds like a plan!'' Andrew said.

After hours of carrying countless furniture up and down stairs, rearranging and cleaning up the apartment, we finally got the Living Room, Kitchen and Bedrooms finished off.

It turned out pretty well and with the brick wall already insulted, there was no need to change the walls which was even easier.

We also decorated the walls with pictures we took on the same day and Janet was kind enough to quickly get them framed at a shop so we could hand them up.

Later that night we took advantage of our new sofa and the TV and watched a Horror Movie! Jane and I literally couldn't stop jumping, Ceallach and Andrew however just casually sat their like nothing scary was happening!

''Holy crap, that guy's head was cut clear off!'' I said, jumping onto Andrew as the murderer sneakily chop this girl's head into two bits.

''How is that even scary!?'' Ceallach said, laughing at the death scene.

''How is that even scary? How is it not scary!'' I replied, covering my eyes and peeking out to see the death scene had ended.

''You think this is scary; watch The Walking Dead and that'll show you what's scary!'' Ceallach suggested.

''I'm fine thanks, I'll settled with this!'' I replied, moving back into my seat as the scene finished.

As the evening carried on the movie came to an end and Janet and I could finally relax without being scared out of our seats!

''Ew, can't you two get a room!?'' Ceallach literally pleaded and Andrew and I made out with each other.

''Too right, display's of affection should be illegal!'' Janet pointed out, rolling her eyes at us as we kissed each other even more.

''Okay, we'll get a room...'' Andrew finally said, winking at me as he led me off the couch. I kissed him one more as we approached the bedroom door.

One thing led to another and next I knew, I was half naked and was beside Andrew, passionately kissing me.

He ran his rough hands down my smooth legs then paused and looked at me. ''Are you sure you're ready because we can stop if you want too ...?'' He asked me; I didn't answer but instead kissed him back and reached into his dressing gown, feeling his hairy, muscular body rub against me.

That very night, when I lost my virginity, it felt as if I wasn't 'satisfied' enough by Andrews moves. Also, it seemed he never really enjoyed it just as much as I didn't...

That same night, but much later on in the evening, I got out of bed and looked back at Andrew, who looked blankly at me.

''... Andrew, I have a confession ...'' I said, flicking my hair up and doing up my bra strap.

''Go ahead.'' Was all he replied, sitting up on my bed and looking at me very eerily.

''That wasn't entirely pleasurable...'' I quickly threw out. He leaped out of the bed in shock and looked at me, very angrily.

''What do you mean that wasn't 'pleasurable!?'' Andrew moaned, raging his voice after every word.

''I mean, it wasn't pleasurable!'' I shouted back at him. He moved back once again in shock and narrowed his eyes at the sight of me.

''Are you actually fucking serious Stella, you have the bloody cheek to say that!'' He said back, pointing at me in disgust.

''You know what, maybe it wasn't a good idea for us to move in with each other ...'' I muttered under my breath, walking out of the door.

''What!?'' He asked.

''I said, maybe it wasn't a good idea for us to move in with each other!'' I shouted out at him one more time before storming out of the room in pure anger.

''Oh hey Stella, what's up with you and lover boy in there, I heard shouting?'' She asked me, typing away on her laptop as my brother fell asleep next to her on the couch.

''Is Ceallach asleep?'' I asked her first.

''I'd say half, he keeps on twitching...'' She said, laughing at him as he twitched.

''Well then... Okay, I'll tell you about it in the Kitchen...'' I said as she shut her laptop and quickly hurried into the Kitchen, ready for the latest gossip.

''Okay so I'll just cut it short... Andrew and I just done, you know, stuff and I just tried to explain to him that he wasn't pleasurable and he freaked out on me!'' I explained, she bursted out laughing and I told her to be quiet just in case Ceallach woke up and heard us.

''Well of course, you never tell a boy he never satisfied you!'' Janet pointed out, chuckling quietly.

''Well sorry, I never knew... this was my first time...'' I replied.

''It's not your fault Stella, you didn't know... and besides, he's a jerk for treating you like that!'' Janet assured me.

''I guess...'' I said, drifting towards the bar stool to sit down.

''You know what you need, a drink!'' Janet said, rushing over the bar, then pulling quite a large bottle of Vodka out of the drawer.

''Cheers!'' Janet said, chugging down the glass of Vodka.

''Woah calm down Janet, I'n the one that's supposed to be drowning my sorrows!'' I replied, slowly her down.

''Please, I'd drink a glass of Vodka even if I was the happiest girl on earth!''

''Oh I can tell ... What a weird best friend I have...'' I said, winking at her.

''You're just jealous of my uniqueness Stella!'' She replied, getting another glass of Vodka.

''Yeah... of course!'' I said, sarcastically.


Once again, sorry for the long breaks between posts, I haven't had any inspriation to write for a week or so... or maybe I'm just too lazy...

But on a good note, Summer Holidays are soon here so I'm hoping to post twice a week if I'm lucky!

Thanks for reading and if you can leave a comment, I'd be sure to reply!

Thanks, :)