Sunday, 22 May 2011

Ch.10/Gen.1 (unexspected arrivals)

welcome to chapter 10
last chapter terra moved her family to sunset valley and brought a massive house!
things toke a while to get use too in sunset valley!
Kendall started to develope a piano skill,he had always loved music and one day wanted to master all of the instruments!
jasmin on the other hand started to develope a inventing skill!
Miranda followed Aries in to a writing skill and was already earning money at the age of six!

jayla pursued a outdoor hobby, fishing! 
 Terra started to meet locals around the town and met a lovely couple soon to have a baby called Justine and Marty Keaton!
 she became very friendly with justine!
 just as she was about to leave she peered over her shoulder and saw a familiar face.....................xander!
xander eyes widened when he saw Terra approaching him , looking  very angry
 "what  the hell are you doing here!" said Terra
not losing my children,thats what i am doing here!"replied xander
"come near us and trust me you see the light of day again!" said terra
"i'm sorry i just don't want to lose my children!" said xander
"well you should not of cheated" terra said sadly
terra just walked off in a huff
 when terra finished her "chat" with xander thomas called her and asked her too meet him at the school
so she pulled the keys out of her left side pocket and drove to sunset valley school
 "hi honey"thomas said romantically
h..........h............h....hi replied terra very scared
"whats wrong honey!"thomas replied very concerned
"xander has followed us to sunset valley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she said
thomas :.......................................lets go home................
terra: ok:) i love you
 xander was still standing there in shock of what terra said when he saw a fimiliar face,a face he would spot was his daughter areis!
" that you?"xander said nervously
dad! dad!
yes it's me areis! areis said escaticly
xander :i've been always thinking of you!
areis:me too!
xander:we need to talk about things!
areis:yes............i agree.............but not know
aries hugged her dad and made herslf to her car.As she got in to her car a single tear appered from xander face.................he regreted everything single bad thing he had done to terra and the kids,even his kids that the nexer propley met!
 when areis got home she walked to the house she stared to cry,even as a teenager she wanted her daddy back to love and be with her,to scare away mean boys,to help her with her math homework and just to be her dad!she empted her heart out and prepared a wonderful meal for the family
 on the other hand jayla enjoyed life and was full of exicitment all of the time!
even though she knew thomas was not her das , she still loved him and thought of him as a dad just like all of the children....................accept areis
 everybody ate a the new dinig table except thomas................he had some bussiness to do upstairs...........
 once everybody finished areis autum salad she cleanup and wnet to bed ,dreaming about the new house!
 Kendall just snored away the whole night , dreamnig about nothing more than food and girls!!!!!!!
 the triplets were a qiuet bunch at night and had no problems!
 this was the planned buisness of thomas!
they went for some evening romance!!!!!!!!!!
 areis was a big help around the house and did most of the chours!

 terra prepared waffles for the family
 but sadly the children did not have enought time for breakfast!
areis was so exicited about her first day of school in sunset valley,while kendall just wanted to stay home and eat pizza!jayla hid behind the seats wanting no one to know she was realated to kendall(the fat pig)!!!!!!!!!!!
 terra started a new garden in order to make some money!
she drove to the local super market but stopped and felt some morning sickness and incidently trhew up on the pavement!Instantly she knew what this meant ubt waited for a while make sure of it................
 because of her sickness her belly was very empty so she brought a apple and ate it............
 when thomas got back from work,he took a long bubble bath!
 Jayla brang a snotty rich kid home called malcom landgrabb,the son of nancy and geoffry landgrabb!

 malcom : what thillfy hands you have......
jayla: i am a celebrity and i can get you publicly discraced so shut your trap!
malcom :ummmmmmmmmm......................sorry.............

 miranda and jasmin brought home some random boy too!
they decided top group up and do there homeowrk together,all helping each other!
 terra brought a new dress and white boots for the summer season!
 terra took a long soaking bath because her back was killing her................
 with her acking back she crawled into bed fearing she would pull a muscle
 she woke up feeeling very sick and ran to her barthroom,
 and threw up like there won't no tommorow!!!!!
 she was feeling hungry agian but she was also tired so she went back to bed..............
 she was disturbed agianpregant...............but how was she going to tell thomas
 she did not want to waste time and told thomas the news.................
"thomas there is something i need to tell you" terra said nervously
"what honey?" said thomas
"'m pregant!" she said
 that same minuet he mouth widend open in shock!
"I AM HAVING A BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " thomas said in excitment
"yeh with me your wife" terra said
 they hugged in joy and happiness terra was so excited,she always wanted five children but she guessed six was just better for her.............
 on the other hand thomas was exsatic.he will finally have a kid of his own,that he can love!
 aries made breakfast for the family agian,she loved cooking
 terra and thomas decided to break the news to the kids at breakfast
"kidsc your step farther and i need to tell you something" terra said
"what mum" jasmin said
"i'm preganat" said terra
miranda and areis choked at the same time in shock!
"i though you only wanted five children mum" kendall said while throwing his breakfast down his throat!
"yes but i think six is better for me"she said
"ok i can't for the baby mummy" jayla siad exicitingly!
 terra took a trip to the hospital for medical advice
 the family's fanance was going quite good,thomas just got a promotion and aries writing carrer was good!
everything was in place for the arrival of the bundle of joy!
 terra read her preganacy book agian even though she is a mother of five and is a good parent!
 thomas felt his son/daughter kick for the first time!he was so exicited for his first baby!

 terra and thomas went to bed,dreaming about their upcoming baby
 time flew and terra was now eight and a half months preganat!
 her back was acking her so she took a long bubble bath
 she decided to find out the gender of her baby so she could decorate it's room!
she was due to have a boy in 14 days
 when she came home she tended her plants,in history of the legacy she loved to do this!
 not long after,the triplets came home from school just strolling throw the door happily!
 areis came across a unexspected call from her dad to say hi!
 terra took a rest on the couch when her phone started ringing
 while upsstairs thomas was finishing the babies room
 an hour later contraptions kicked in a terra woke up thomas in her scream!
 thomas was frightend , he had never had a child before and only had saw his mum go into labour with his brother!
" thomas................i need to go to the"terra said in pain and disconfort
"ok come on honey....lets go have a baby" thomas said happily
 they drove to the hospital,terra was in real pian but somehow drove to the hospital!
 she arrived and walked in,in pain holding her belly hard!
 after five hours of labour she gave birth to demetruis daniel cronwell at 2:07am
he developed a light sleeper triat and a loner triat
thanks for reading part 10!
next chapter out soon (i think demetrius's trait was either loner or absent-minded!)

1 comment:

  1. Lol I Love The Chap!! I Love All Chaps! Ur An Amzing Wrtiter U Should Be 1 When Ur Older!!


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