Sunday, 19 June 2011

Chapter 14 (Gen 2) - The wedding - part 1

Welcome back to chapter 2 of the cronwell legacy ,aries thought about her vision for hours and hours thinking it throw......
She decided to visit her brother for some advise and for a chat,areis an her brother became really close after the divorce and they were by eachother's side for years

 aries greated her brother in joy and she had a good talk about things
Aries: hey bro whats up lately?
Kendall: nothing much......oh yeah i am dating and older woman!!
Aries: wow!!
 aries asked if she could spend the night because she could'nt be boverd to drive home!
 she became very childish,and she and kendall started a pillow fight!
 her head flow backwards when kendall blasted her with a pillow!
Aries: oww!
Kendall: take that and that!
 After are extream pillow fight,they went to bed!
 Meanwhile aries stupidly forgot to turn on the alarm and a burgular stole some exspensive things!
 she ran back to her secret layer to enjoy her new goods :(
 In the morning she receveid a call that her house had been burgaled,she sobbed a little and a angry look grew on her get my mind off of the house she quickly made breakfast for her brother before going home.
 Kendall enjoyed the breakfast,''nice breakfast sis'' he said while scuffing down the pancakes
 When she got back home she made sure she put the alarm on and called carter and asked him to meet her at ''lovers beach''.
 aries made my way to the beach,nervous what would happen next.........
 He was standing there staring at the shimmering sea,burning in the scorching saturday sun.
 She greeted him with a light kiss on the lips!
 they held hands and flirted for hours
Aries: my hands are sweaty!
Carter: no wonder............
 They watched the sunset as it laid to rest then........
 Aries: Carter smith will you marrie me!?!?!
Carter: yes aries yes!!
 She pulled carter to her body and they hugged in excitment!
 That same night when aries went home she had another vision in her sleep,it was the wedding everybody was there the boque was buetifle the arch was intwined with flowers and everything was perfect!
 she decided to have some fun and orginised a hen night!!
she invited everybody i knew except form the groom!
The first person to arrive was aries mum terra!
And the second was her step-dad thomas cronwell he arrived in a zebra like tuxs!
Aries greated her mum with a cuddle and the party started!
They talked and talked..............
That night was a blast,everybody enjoyed it and the house was full of music blaring out the window!
Aries woke up in the morning to find everyone gone and she woke up and relised it was her wedding day!
part two of the wedding will be out soon!
thanks for reading :)

1 comment:

  1. LOL some party! Everyone seemed to have fun! enjoying the story very much, thank you for creating it! ;-)


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