Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Chapter 26 (Gen.3): The start of something new...

Before I start the Story I would like to tell you if you don't know that Sims 3 showtime will be coming out in March 2012 and I will try my best to get it and use it as much in my story :)
And this is VERY Long
Chapter 26 - First of GEN.3:

Hi I am Sophie Cronwell,Generation three Heir an here is my tale.
As I looked outside my room window is saw little delicate snow flakes floating to the ground.
Snow in sunset valley
My mum told me how she was going to miss Taylor when she moves out,mum was sad to see her go but Scarlett was overjoyed because she finally got her own room :)
My mum will miss her Taylor
Scarlett enjoyed playing with Tinkerbell.
She insisted I buy another pet but is there enough space for another pet in the Cronwell residents?
Will Scarlett get another pet?
Taylor and Sam got abit close and personal that night,in my bed.
When they move out I decided to give them the bed,I couldn't sleep in it again after knowing what it was used for! A few hours ago they actually got married on the beach,I thought it was so romantic for them especially now there might be an upcoming crownell to be born...
Love is in the air
Taylor and Sam Cronwell
A few hours later a taxi pulled up for Taylor and Sam.
Mum told me she help them move out to a cosy three bedroom house near where my aunties live.
I am going to miss my big sister allot,Although we fought allot I still loved her and she loved me
 Her belongings,the house was fully furnished so she didn't need any furniture
Everyone said there goodbyes
                                           My father was going to miss her most of all
Scarlett finally had her own room!
 I warmed myself near the fireplace.
 I was lonely in my bedroom so I brought a Cockatoo called Whity and placed him by my bedside.
 I quickly grew a bond with whitythe same night I brought him.
 Tomorrow is my wedding day
I was nervous,Excited,scared and well I just felt butterflies in my tummy.
Tomorrow afternoon I will marry Richie Keaton
 The next morning I ran down to the basement under my bedroom and just reflected on the day that I was going to have.
My wedding dress costed me 6000 simolieons.
I tried it on for later on,I can't believe I was getting married!
My mum came in too comfort me.
'My daughter marrying my own daughter' my mum said to me
'Mum well umm I scared I need you' I said
'You will always have me Sophie' She said
 Hunter and dad set up the Wedding and reception in the garden where Crystals pen use to be.
The buffet Table
The food tables
 The ceremony
The cermeony was so beautiful,I was surprised to boys could do such a good job at decorating!
 A closer view of the Wedding arch
The wedding cake

Inside the house I noticed Whity flying around allot!
 The first to arrive to the wedding was Richie's Mother,Justine keaton
Then the famous Scarlett Goth
 My sis Taylor and Paparazzi of course behind her
Her husband ,Sam
My fiancée and groom,Richie
Kaylynn Langerek, I have no idea why she showed up, I never invited her!
Grandma Terra
And my ONLY grandfather Thomas
 Everything was set for the wedding and everyone I invited was here so now it was time to marry my beloved Richard!
 Richie: I take Sophie miranda Cronwell to be my Lawfully wedded wife
 Sophie: And I Take Richard Antonio Keaton to be my lawfully wedded husband
 I now pronounce Mr and Mrs Cronwell!
                                                 We sealed it with a passionate kiss :)
 Everyone was so happy about are marriage.My mother standing up aplaued and cried when we kissed.
The paparazzi was spying on our wedding at the back.
 I cut the cake with Richard, I love my Husband!
 We all ate the cake at the Table,My poor mum chocked on the Icing!
 We took some Pictures form the wedding.                        Bride and Groom
 Mother of the bride and Groom
 Whole family,Hunter,Sophie,Richie or Richard,Aries,Carter and my pretty sister Scarlett.
 We decided not to go on a Honeymoon,it would just create hassle and Trouble.Anyway Richard promised me one day we would travel To China!
When everyone went home and got settled into there beds Richard called me into the bedroom.
We talked on the bed...

Which led to kissing Passionately still in my wedding dress!
 That night we were intimate together.
He was so gentle with me, we weren't rushing things but that night was magical for us.
We explored each other that night 
 I felt so tired after are Sex I mean rump!
 The next morning I went down stairs form Scarlett's room to the study,I practised my writing skill once more
I haven't really introduced My husband.
His name is Richard Antonio Keaton.
His parents are from the Caribbean islands but moved here to sunset valley when he was born.
I know allot about Richie but I really have no idea where he got his big blue eyes from.You see his parents have brown eyes so his eyes are probably from a ancestor of his.
I started to learn the Piano more,It was actually fun to learn the piano!
I felt nauseas a few hours later,I knew what this meant but I wasn't sure at all......
Hunter told me he wanted to be a Boxer,I was surprised when he said this because I had never met a Boxer in Sunset Valley.
After my vomiting,I felt I needed to relax and let my Belly recover.
I told Richie of my Vomiting,He has thought the same as me but wasn't sure either.
And if I was 'With Child' I would be surprised.
                                                          We kissed a bit..........
                                                                  Which led to 'Ahem'
I felt tired after are moment so I went upstairs to my room.
                                                 And sleep,Goodnight my precious Richie :)
The Next Morning 
Everyone asleep
Alarms sounds form the Hallway
That we were burgled by that cheek of A Claire Ursine. She must of been mad to try Burgle us!I mean seriously don't you think A celebrity family would not have a alarm!I actually feel sorry for her,Her husband and kids abandoned her to move to Riverview for a better life.You see her children were teased and bullied because her mum was a criminal and has been sent to prison many time so I can't blame them for leaving her.
 Claire didn't know where to run of hide
 Police arrive quick to arrest her
 She was sentenced to prison for 15 years for Repeatedly accounts of robbery.
 In all of this commotion I just felt inside I was pregnant,I swung into maternity clothes, although I don't need them yet I just decided too.
The police man said everything was okay and the house is safe
 I told Richie,he almost lost balance when I said these exact words 'Were having a baby Rich me and you'.
Thanks for reading chapter 26 But first of Generation.3.
Be sure to look out for the next chapter,Lots of drama and please comment On the blog (Anyone can comment now) or right here
Thanks :)

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