Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Chapter 28(Generation 3) : Christmas Special

This chapter is Dedicated to the time we all call Christmas.
People think Christmas is Just all about presents but It is really about Celebrating the Birth of Jesus.
Merry Christmas Everyone!

Chapter 28:
I got this Idea from LJFoxie's Legacy,The shylife!
Well this chapter will be a little Different,I will write the Intro and the rest will be Narrated by the Cronwell,Here goes:
As the Cronwell's prepared for their first Christmas panic rose in the house.It was too be Hunter and Scarlett's Birthday too.All of the cronwell's were excited for their first Christmas,Even Carter was going Mad over Christmas.They weren't having nothing big just A little party with Prezzies and more!
Now to the Cronwells.....

SOPHIE: Like my New outfit!
 SOPHIE:Richie also looked hot with his new hairstyle too!
 SOPHIE; How's my  baby boy,You want some prezzies from Santa?
RILEY: Mummy you lie Scarlett said there no santa!
SOPHIE: Scarlett!
 RILEY: Mummy I want Wotsits!
SOPHIE: Honey wait im on the phone!
RICHIE: Wife I want Wotsites!
RILEY: You lie there is santa!
 Scarlett: Ah I hate doing Dishes!
SOPHIE: Riley the tickle master is her!

SOPHIE: Oh I'm pregnant again,Im so happy I really do love children!

SCARLETT: Wooohooo Stairs!
RILEY: Luwky Give mwe food!
LUCKY: Woof?
STRAY CAT: Talk English cat!
Sophie Cronwell sat the Household down to tell them the news.
SOPHIE: Richie and I are having another baby!
ARIES: Are you serious a third Grandchild!
HUNTER: Yay I'm gonna be an uncle to three!
ARIES: Just make sure there is enough room in the house!

SOPHIE: Two days now my Little Riley just wait!
RILEY: Okay mummmy Night!
RILEY: ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

SOPHIE: Oh I feel this baby coming on me!
The next morning Hunter woke up,He sensed something was wrong.....
HUNTER: What wrong sis?

SCARLETT: Hunter he's dead nibbles is dead!
HUNTER: I forgot to feed him last night because f my stupid homework and no he's dead!
SCARLETT: *Crying*

SCARLETT: Im sorry Scarlett im so sorry :)
SOPHIE: Im pregnant I am not cleaning that!
HUNTER: It's okay Scarlett We still have your hedgehog, Tinker bell and Lucky and Whity!
 Sophie read the pregnancy book in the living room while Whity flew around the house!
 It was emotional for Scarlett when Hunter was cleaning out the Terreriam.
 SOPHIE: Someone get these Stray pets off of my lawn!
 Presents were laid under the Tree as Christmas day was in one day....
 RICHIE: I love you Sophie,I will always do!
 SOPHIE: Oh my belly is so huge!
 RILEY: Yay paddling pool!
SOPHIE: Who gave Riley his Christmas present!
HUNTER: *Runs upstairs*
 As every one went to sleep anticipated about Christmas day tomorrow,The house was silent.
 SOPHIE: Here's the last prezzie for Scarlett!
The Next Morning......
SCARLET: Time to open Prezzies!
  SCARLETT: Oh I wonder what I got!
SCARLETT: The cooker I saw in the Toy shop thank you Mummy and Daddy!
 CARTER: Ohhhh..
 CARTER: An Ipad 2!
Oh thank you Honey I love you sooo much!
 SOPHIE:Open your Prezzies form mummy and daddy Riley!
 SOPHIE: Merry Christmas My little Hunter
RILEY: Amen to these!
 HUNTER: I bet it's a new pet!
 HUNTER: Oh A laptop even better!!
 RICHIE: I hope they are Art Supplies!
 RICHIE: Yay art supplies!
 ARIES: For my Grandchildren!
 ARIES; I wonder what you guys got me?
 ARIES: A make up set thank you so much!
 SOPHIE: Oh what did you get me RICHIE?
 SOPHIE: Oh plants..................well thanks
 The final box was for my unborn baby
 A beautiful stroller!
 RILEY: Oh boat Mine now!
SOPHIE: This Pregnancy is more painful than Riley's!
 RILEY: Uncle Hunter wazzup!
HUNTER: Wazzup!
 RILEY: Happy Birthday Uncle Riley will miss you!
 SOPHIE: Oh my Brother is Hot!
I'm Going to miss my little brother In our house,He will be moving out tomorrow morning to a Penthouse made by the Famous Curtis Paradis!
 (Sounds really wrong!)
Thanks for reading the Christmas Special,It weren't allot but oh well that's Christmas for you.Please comment on my TS3 fourms

***Merry Christmas and a happy new year**


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