Friday, 20 January 2012

Chapter 31 - FOUR is better than One

I was afraid Richie would get hurt of die of Smoke inhalation but he just stood there ...

He quickly went to the rescue and started to put out the flames.
The fire caught almost every objects in the far side of the room we were in (The Study ) .

Just as thought Riley came down and was startled by the Developing flames.

''Riley stay back the flames are way too big for your Father to handle call the Fire brigade! ''

''AHHH Mum help I'm scared!!''

Poor Riley was traumatised by the Fire, he had never seen such fire like this in his life. And to bed honest this wasn't the first first fire we had in this house. My mother told me when she was pregnant with Taylor and I this same fireplace caught on fire too but It wasn't this bad !

Riley still stood there screaming his lungs out with fright.
Lucky, Jessie was downstairs.

Richie put out the last remaining part of the fire.

I comforted Riley after being Traumatised.

''My Hero'' I whispered in Richie's ear

Minuets later the Living nanny and maid arrived.
The reason I hired Claire, The maid, is because I couldn't cope with the kids, the house and my Celebrity life.

She seemed to be a very trained and helpful person.

After the fire and the clean up the next morning I was certain I was Pregnant.

The first thing I did was announce the news to Richie and Riley. I was happy to once be pregnant again but Richie and I planned that this would be are last baby, Three was a good enough blessing for us to Love and care.

''Richie I am sure I am pregnant I don't need a test or nothing I am pregnant! ''

'' WHAT! Were going to have three children, three beautiful Intelligent and Crazy children! ''

''Yes Honey we are.''

Riley at first responded to the news very annoyed but once it got to his head that he was going to have another baby brother or sister he was Surprised!

''Riley your going to have a Baby brother or sister soon ! ''

''Okay that nice ........ Wait WHAT, another baby Jesus help us !''

Richie designed a new look for the Nursery fro the baby to enjoy in our Private study.
I like the way Richie worked form home, he was able to get paid in the comfort of his home and his kids.

I collected some seeds the other day and Planted them in my spare time in the back garden, I enjoyed gardening because it helped me to relax my body while pregnant.

Riley progressed in his Chemistry skill, He was entering his school Science fare and wanted to create a Potion worth an A.

Meanwhile Claire was fixing the Bathtub which had been broken for days and flooded the Bathroom. Because of that we had the floor and walls redone and brought A new bathtub and had a plumber fit it in.

I summoned my mother to our house, I felt special to have powers to do things like Teleport and Enchant things.

My mums belly had grew massive than the last time I saw here, she was due any day now .

I felt her belly, I was surprised yet happy to soon be getting another Brother or Sister..

''Mum I am pregnant .... Again! ''

''I am going to be a grandmother and a mother at the same time !''

''You sure are mum ! ''

She felt my bump too, It was nice to compare baby stuff.

My mother stayed for dinner, I offered her to stay the night because she looked like she was about to collapse  with that belly on her but she told me Dad was picking her up in a hour.

I put Jessie to bed minuets later.

''Goodnight my Precious girl, Soon you will be sharing this room with your Baby sister of brother. ''

''Okay mummy night ''

''Goodnight my Blue eyed Angel''


I found my mum Downstairs drinking Coffee and then all of a sudden she dropped the Cup and it cracked into pieces on the Floor.

She went into labour in our Kitchen !

I drove her too the Hospital within Ten minuets her trousers were socked in Warm liquid.

Some of our relatives were there the man in the blue was my Aunts Husband, Miraj, and the Girl is their daughter and the boy in the background is my other Aunts Son.

As the sun rose my mother was blessed with two baby Girls. My newest sisters were called Zoey and Zafrina Cronwell. I wasn't really surprised that she had another set of Twins, just like my Grandmother, she had six children.

                                                                           ~ :) ~

Months later I found my self 8 Months pregnant, wearing glasses again and waddling out of the supermarket !

I looked at myself in the mirror, I felt like a Whale, this pregnancy felt much heavier than Riley's and Jessie's.

The worst thing that happened was when I slipped on Jessie's Toy and ended on my bum. I felt hurt and in agony when I was on the floor but Richie was quick to help me up and set me on the bed.

Hours later I decided to stay in my Sleeping clothes and just sit and watch Day time TV and just wait for the baby to arrive. I soon got up and put on some clothes and returned to the TV.

Before I could sit down my Water broke, contraptions kicked in and my Jeans were socked with water.

I arrived at the hospital with Richie were I was greeted by a Screaming Doctor, you would think an experienced doctor like Ms. Jolina would be used to delivering babies but it seemed she wasn't.

After 10 hours of Birth and health checks Richie and I returned to home with two Blessed baby Boys.
I was certainty was not expecting to have twins since I had two singular births but I was still delighted to be blessed with Four children.

Richie is holding Isaac and I am holding Ezekiel but we call him Zeke.

Thanks for reading this new chapter,  I bet you weren't expecting Four children !
- I certainty did not plan for Sophie to have Twins but you know Sims 3 !
- Thanks so much for Reading Chapter 31 and I hoped you Enjoyed it !
- And a special thanks t those people who got me more Fan to read my legacy!
-Please comment on the Forums here!

Bye Guys :)


  1. I love the look on Riley's face in this chapter. A real, 'You gotta be kidding moment!' XD

  2. Hi there, great site u have here! I'm harmonysims, creator of Cadence Sierra and Mikolaj's 100 Baby Challenge. I have shifted to a new domain,
    Do update your links! :)


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