Saturday, 25 February 2012

Chapter 35 : Fertility Problems, Renovations and a farewell to a destructive pet

How can I not be pregnant, all of Richie and I's tries have been successful. I have never had fertility problems in my life. Should I try again? Will I ever have another baby ?

I got into my car, switched the car on and drove down the road my my house. I thought to myself, How am I going to tell Richie, he WILL be devastated. we can always try again but will it work? As I got home I turned the key in the pad lock and opened the door to find the whole Living room renovated!

The re - decorated Living room / Family room
Richie and Riley called in a team of interior designs and carpenters to renovate the room as some kind of ''Thank you'' gift. I LOVE it! It really fit the houses colours and the furniture was just outstanding.

The Renovated pet room

The dog room was also renovated, I really likes it and Lucky certainly likes it too. Lucky is staring to become a ''Bad dog''. He is always chewing on various furniture in the house causing us to have to replace it. I am having thoughts on replacing him with a more OBEDIENT dog.

There are two new families which recently moved to Sunset Valley. The Williams and the Gregory's.

Linda and Luke are a very nice couple with a set of twins, a girl and boy. I ought to meet them very soon.

There twin children, Liam and Lilly are beautiful children with matching hair colours. Liam was dressed as a cowboy so it suggested he is into Cowboy related stuff.

The other family across the road was the Williams.

Kayshaun and Isabelle Williams have a very nice family with a teenage daughter and a child son. I overheard Riley talking on the phone to there daughter, maybe they have already become friends. Maybe he will go to prom with her! There son looks like a VERY undisciplined and seems to be very rebellious.

The time came, I had to tell Richie I weren't  pregnant. He will be disappointed but I have to tell him the truth and he deserves to know.

''Richie I need to tell you something, something bad''. ''You see -''

''Before that I have some VERY good news!''
''So as you know I'm an architect, I teamed up Destiny Rose, the town's interior designer and we have come up with a few blueprints for a renovation of the exterior of the house and the second floor! So for the next few months we are going to live in a ''Temporary house'' across town while it is getting renovated by myself and Destiny!''

I am really excited about the renovation idea and I think it will be good for the house but I still need to tell Richie.

''Richie that is AMAZING and I can't wait but I need to tell you something. I am NOT pregnant. In fact I went to the doctors to find out why and he said I have become barren.''
Richie was devastated, I know how I became barren. When I fell of Blaze I thought I was fine but I wasn't. So when we tried for another baby and it failed I was shocked. So I to my Personal doctor and he took tests on me and it came back that I tested negative and I become barren.

''Oh honey why didn't you tell me about the fall?''
''I thought I was fine and I guess I wasn't''
''Honey it's okay we have already been blessed with FOUR beautiful children''

I looked for pictures of our new house on Google images and I found it. The house compared to uors is small but it will do for now.

Richie and I packed our bags and were ready to leave. I was sad to see Lucky go yet happy because he was going to be cared for by Destiny Rose and I know she will take good care of him.

We arrived at the house hours later and settled in.

Many Months Later

Jessie's re-decorated room
Jessie's room is honestly the BEST room in the house to my believe. She has such a sense of good fashion.

The hallway seems to scale much bigger than before and now stretches across the second floor.

Riley's room
I adore Riley's room very much and I just love how it fits his personality!

Ezekiel and Isaac's new Room
The twins room was really cute. Although there in now two spare rooms I still think they should share a room.

The renovated Hallway
After Grandma perishing in this very hallway we were VERY happy to renovate it so bad times could be forgotten.

***************************Riley's Point of view*****************************

I watched through the half open door, Jessie going to bed.

I creped in, making sure she didn't hear me coming in.

I set the perfect prank for her on her Computer.

The face made when she saw the Scary face on her computer made me L-O-L!
I crashed in the door dropping on the floor in Laughter!

''Ugh Riley your such a loser, you actually thought you scared me you idiot!''

''Coming from the one who was screaming her head off like she seen the Ghost of Great Gran Terra!

**********************************Ezekiel's Point of view*******************************


''Ugh Zeke what's wrong with you your always doing this you to me you IDIOT!''

I grabbed his neck and chocked him until he couldn't breath. That little child think he can get rude to his older Brother, let's see about that.

**************************************Back to Sophie********************************

''Soph come outside I've got a surprise for you!'' I opened the door thinking it was going to be some kind of letter or something but to my surprise it was dog!

He goes by the name of Kaylo Kay and unlike Lucky he is a very neat and obedient dog.

Thanks for reading Chapter 35 of The Cronwell Legacy.
There are going to be many changes:

One is,When Generation 1 came too a end I did not name Generation 2 chapters from Chapter one which I should of done. So starting from Generation 4 the chapter will be name for example, Chapter 4.5. The four represents the Generation and the five represents the chapter.

Two is, that the next chapter of Generation 3 will be last of the Generation then I will release the Generation 4 Heir pole which will consist of :

So that all, Please comment below on the on the TS3 Forums

See ya :D


  1. Wow! I loved the computer prank! I get that. :0) The house is very beautiful and spacious. Destiny Rose? Hey, Entelligent, you outdid yourself this time. Deb

  2. I loved it <3 Well done, I love the new dog btw. it's very cutee!:)

  3. loved the newest chapter

  4. Aw, thanks for the mention in this chapter, though Des is definitely FAR from an interior designer. :D I would actually have loved for her to become one... But enough of my rambling.

    I LOVE the new house, it's really pretty. I'm just sad to know that Sophie can't get pregnant again. :/

    1. Thanks Claire, I really like your comment :D
      And thanks about the house :)

  5. Amazing screenshots as always! I love it (xoxoxo and their new house xoxoxo)!!


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