Thursday, 12 April 2012

Generation 4, Chapter 11 : I love my life

''So Dayna have you just moved to the town or just house?''

''No, I moved here from Sunset Valley two days ago. I was in Hidden springs, grew up and now I moved here to live my dreams as a singer.''

''Are you serious, I grew up in Sunset Valley and I am a singer, I am a Sing-a-gram pro!''

''WOW! Were very similar I think I recognize you from 8th grade class. You are Sophie Cronwell's son right?''

''Yes, that's me I think I remember you I don't really remember my Childhood days.''

Dayna agreed to come to over to my house to have catch up and see if she can jog my memory.

She was shocked of how big my house was. This house is actually really big. Well this is what you get with Rich parents.

We enterd through the security gates and as they slammed back together I smiled at Dayna. She then gave me that flrity look which Chelsea gave to me. I know she's attracted to me.

''I don't know If I am right I um.... well I think that your attracted to me, am I right?''

''Well... Yes I am since this morning when I saw you come over to greet me.''

''Okay well before this goes any further you need you know something about me.''

''What Riley?'' She had an confused look on her face.

''I have........ Baggage.'' I know she going to reject me know i just know.

''What kind of baggage?''

''Well.... I am a single dad with two young children and an Ex-wife who she cheated with a man she met on our honeymoon.''


''Yeah I know you don't want to date me I get it.''

She suddenly pulled me into a romantic embrace and whispered in my ear,'' I don't care Riley, I still like you.'' I was happy to hear Dayna didn't care that I had a past, she likes me for me.

''This is for accepting my past.''

''So this must be little Evan!. Hello Evan''

''Hello, are you my new mummy?''

''Oh.... umm.... Yes I hope.''

"Sorry about Evan he hasn't really grown up with a mum so far so any woman he see's he asks if that's his mum.''

''Oh that's doesn't matter he is such a cute little boy, with good genetics, I guess he gets his look from you.''

I made the move. I slowly put my hand on her shoulder pretending I was reaching for something but she just moved over and smiled at me. I felt the connection between us. This is supposed to happen.

We Kissed.

''Riley, I'm in love with you. I want to be with you for a long time.''

Dayna helped me to teach Evan how to balance on his own two feet. She is so loving and she loves kids.

He done it, my baby can stand on his two feet. I gave a big smile to him and just thinking, my babies are growing up.

Jade really likes Dayna. She gets along well with her and Dayna sometimes tutors her after school for some extra help.

Next morning Dayna came over early to help set up for Evan's birthday. She also gave Evan some last minuet help on balancing on his feet.

 As I saw her lift Evan in the air and her giving him the most massive smile I have ever seen and Evan chuckling back at her I knew she is the one. The one that I should of met in the first place. My soul mate.

Before Evan grew up we spent some time in the Garden getting g fresh air and just having a good time.

I love me life. 

''Happy Birthday little man.'' I try to clap but not as loud as I hold Evan to the cake to blow out the candles.

This is the last moment of Evan's toddler hood. My son's growing up and I am so proud of him.

And here he is, Evan Cronwell. He is really a computer freak and doesn't stop playing on them until I demand him to turn them off.
He told me after he aged up, ''Dad, when are you going to marry mummy?''

I know that mummy to him is Dayna.

Thanks for reading Chapter 11 of The Cronwell Legacy.
Please Please comment on what you think and I'll reply ASAP.
Also sorry if this post was short I didn't really know what else to put in it.




  1. Aww how sweet! Yes Evan I agree, when is your dad going to marry her? XD

    1. Well if everything goes to Plan very soon, BTW can you upload Spencer Von Strunkle, I would like him to date Jade when she grows up. If you don't mind :)

      And Thank for commenting LJ :)

    2. I'll try, sometimes the launcher gives me the green tick but they don't appear on my studio. Also he is part IF so I don't know how that will work, I will try though! ;o)

    3. Okay he downloaded, he's in my studio! ;o)

    4. Thanks LJ, I'll go Download him.


I really Like feedback so if you have some time leave a Comment and I will reply :)