Saturday, 26 May 2012

Generation 5, Chapter 3 : An actual ''Dream Date''

''Um... Hi, I was put up to this by my annoying friend over there so if you don't like me just say it now please.''
My palm of my hand began to sweat, he seemed very attractive and also very friendly too.

''Well Jade who say's I don't find you attractive.'' Abi's winked at me which obviously meant 'Go for it Girl!'.

''I'll give you too some space.'' She winked at me again and then strolled off the road and I could meerly hear her saying 'Puppy Love.'

''Sorry about my friend Spencer, she has.... 'Issues.'' We both busted out with laughter and he gave me a slight wink.

''Why don't we go out, say tomorrow at noon?'' He asked me out. I was surprised because I thought I had to be the one to pop the question but I guess not.

''Sure, it's a date.'' I wrote my number on a torn piece of paper and slipped it inn his pocket and gave him  sexy wink.

Half an hour later I got a text from Abi telling me to meet her out the salon.

''So Jade how did it go?''

''Well I don't mean to brag.. but were going on a date tomorrow!!''

''I told you, now referee to me as, Abigail Best - Match maker of the year.''

''Did he give you the wink, you know the 'Hey sexy' wink?''

''Yes he did and I gave him a wink too.''

''Jade you know what this calls for.''

''Oh I know, SHOPPING TIME!''

Abi convinced me too let her makeover me for tomorrow. I just went ahead with it because she has a good sense of fashion.

To be honest I though she was going to dress me in a strapless dress with high heels but she didn't. She picked out an vibrant dress and a cotton based cardigan and plated me hair down to one side.

''Abi you know your the best right?''

''Of course that's why my name is Abigail best.'' I never actually thought of that, she is my best friend and her last name is best!''

I called Spencer just to see if our date was still on, I sounded clingy but I really liked him so I didn't want to loose him straight away.

''C'mon Jade, I can do this, I'm Jade Cronwell.'' I reassured myself he wasn't going to play me and that he would be a generally nice guy.

Couple of hours later we met up at a local bar. ''Hey Jade, you look... stunning.''

''Oh are yoi sure because I thought it was a bit to much, is it?''

''Of course not, as I said you look stunning.''

''Why thank you.'' I was pretty sure I blushed there.

We spent an hour playing Alien invaders. It was very entertaining to see Spencer's face widen as I won the last round. ''Ha in your face Spence I won!''

''No fair, want a round two?''

''Nah, why don't we do something else.''

Of course we went to the Karaoke machine and staring singing 'I just haven't met you yet.''

''And I just haven't met you yet.'' 

''Hmm what do we have here my sister with a man!'' I  could recognise that voice anywhere.

''Be right back Spence.'' I stepped off the stage a pulled Evan on for a warm hug. ''Evan! How are you?''

''Oh I'm fine sis, what about who and who's that man... is it your boyfriend.'' I whispered in his ear,
''Well he probably will be soon.''

''Cool, well I'm here just waiting for Lilly.''

''Have a good time Ev and no drinking.!''

I gave Evan another hug and he went outside to wait for lilly. I peered back over at Spencer who was smiling at me.  ''Jade how about we go to the peer and watch the stars?''

''Sure thing.''

We placed ourselves on the cold sand and looked at the stars. This could be my only chance to get him I gently placed my hand on his.

His face lit up and he slowly turned his head to me. ''Listen Spencer I have to admit it, I like you.''

''Jade, I like you too.'' Those words made my face light up like a Christmas tree, he actually likes me.

Until about 10pm we watched shooting stars glide across the vast sky. This feeling I had felt magical, not the feeling I had with Oliver but more stronger.

''You know Jade I pictured this night and it was exactly like this, the stars shining in the sky, the chill of the cold sand on our bottoms and you and I liking each other.''

We kissed. I felt like the whole entire town had gone silent all it was just Spencer and I having this magical moment.

''Thank you for a great night Spencer, Goodnight.''

~ The End ~

They make such a good couple ^_^
Anyway thanks everyone for reading Chapter 3 of Generation 5. 
I hoped you liked it and please comment on what you think because it would make my day.

And for song that Spencer and Jade sang is called ''Haven't met you yet'' 
The link of the Song is below.




I really Like feedback so if you have some time leave a Comment and I will reply :)