Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Generation 5, Chapter 4 : Surprises

As I slept dreaming about Spencer I heard a soft purr from the other side of the bed. I opened my eyes to see the most peculiar coloured cat helping itself to me bed!

''EEEEEEK!'' I yelled out causing the neighbours to bang on the opposite side wall. It woke up in shock and lept into my hands. He fur stuck up straight which indicated it was frightened, by my scream.

''Aww don't be scared little guy it's okay, I won't bite.'' Let's just say he grew onto me so I decided to keep him, after checking that he was now owned of course. He has very delicate paws which suggests he's quite young.

Hours later I strolled into the park waiting for Abi to arrive. I looked to the right to see her walking towards the trampoline.

''Hey girl, how did the date go?'' She asked me in a casual tone.

''Good.'' I didn't want to mention that I kissed him so quickly on the first date.

''Oh is that all good.''

''Well..... we kissed.''  Her jaw drop open long enough for her to dribble a bit.

''You kissed, already wow you two must love each other. This called for a celebration, how about we go to that rodeo place down-town and have a go on the great bronco?''

''Are you sure about this Abi, it's looks a bit rough.'' I was hesitant to ride it because I knew, just knew I would instantly fall off within seconds.

''Oh shut up Jade, you'll be fine!''

''YEEEEHAA! Surprisingly I remained my balance on it for at least three minuets until I let go of the string which was supporting me and I flew back clinging to the bronco's horn. ''Make it stop Abi, STOP!''

Just seconds after I went flying off of the horn and landed head first on the insulated surface. Once I got up I felt terribly dizzy and it felt like my bones had been thrown around like a football.

''Go.... Abi.'' I paused after saying go as I felt dizzy once more. I felt like I needed to be sick but I didn't in the end.

Minuets later I heard an loud sound, I whizzed around to see Abi crossed eyed on the ground. I frantically ran to her checking if she hurt herself and that she was concious. ''Come on Abi get up and have a sip of water.''

I dragged her out of the bar still feeling dizzy. ''C'mon Abz I think you should stay at mine so you don't go crazy at home.''

She didn't reply, she was probably still dizzy..

I dragged her out of the elevator and too my door. But someone was stood there, at first I didn't have a clue who it was but then I looked closely into those big brown eyes to see...

- My Mother.

~ To be continued ~

Thanks for taking the time to read Chapter 4 of The Cronwell Legacy. I would appreciate it allot if you could just leave a small comment below on what you think and I will reply As - soon - as - possible. In my opinion I think Chelsea still looks so young!

Anyway Thanks so much 



  1. I commented but it didn't appear..hmm.. Oh well, I'll try again.

    Great post! I wonder what her mom is doing at her door O_O

    I laughed at the picture of Abi cross eyed on the ground... it was funny. :)

    ~Vanessa Wood

    1. I knoow right Vanessa :D
      Thank you sooo much for commenting :)

  2. Oh dear, mummy dearest is back? Hope she isn't out to cause trouble! :o/ Loved the chapter! ;o)

    1. And here is the link to that hair:

    2. Thanks and Thanks for the link too LJ :)

  3. Oh snap :o Mama is back in town!

    1. LOL I know right, Thanks for commenting Lizzy :)

  4. :) I love it i cant wait for the next one KEEP ON GOING!!

  5. Thanks again for commetning, all will be exsplained next chapter :)

  6. I can't wait for more chapters soon

    1. Thanks there will be another one out tomrrow

  7. this story is AWESOME. Keep them coming.


I really Like feedback so if you have some time leave a Comment and I will reply :)