Saturday, 28 July 2012

Generation 5, Chapter 28 : Birthday's are supposed to turn out well.

Three years went by and Cassidy and Kieran just grew older and older. For a six year old Kieran knew allot about the world. Cassidy was a interesting pre-teen, being 12, she had a massive interest in science yet she was a real gamer at times.

I hadn't yet explained to Kieran about the fact he was kidnapped  as a baby but I knew I had to do it very soon.

I just loved there facial expressions when they were facing each other on there Nintendo Wii. They were quite similar yet completely different.

As the kids grew much older Alex and I had more time for each other. We went on date, trips and had a bit more fun in the bedroom.

''Hey Cas, Josh and Stacy are outside waiting for you.''

''Coming mum, I just need to finish this potion for Science tomorrow.'' I noticed she had a great influence in Science.

I had been dreading this moment for three years but it had to be done. I had too tell him he was kidnapped by that bastard.

''Kieran there is no way I can put what I am going to tell you in a good way so you have to stay strong with me, Okay?''

''...Okay mum I will.''

Here it goes. ''Kieran, when you was two...... you were kidnapped by a horrible man.''

''Y-You mean someone took me from you?''

''Yes honey.'' His face seemed confused with nearly everything I said.

''Who took me?''

''Have I ever told you about a horrible man called Zachary Lewis?''

''Yes, the man who almost killed granddad.''

''Yes him. Well he wanted to get more revenge on our family; he knew I cared about you so much that he took you away form me, your dad and your big sister.''


''Because he was a horrible man but he ain't going to take you again, okay?''

''Are you sure mummy?''

''Of course Kieran.''

''I love you mummy.''

I love you too.'' I kissed his innocent little forehead and hugged him.

''Now let's go celebrate you sisters birthday.''


Things took a real wrong turn.
Just 10 minuets later Cassidy blew out her candles, but just a little bit too much and it caught fire to the hedges behind it. It then spread across the wall to the garden door. Myself, Cassidy and Kieran was in complete panic mode. Alex then bolted down the stairs, around the garden into the second garden door. He grabbed the fire extinguisher and bolted back.

He constantly tried to put it out but the roaring flames just grew more.

''ALEX! COME BACK!'' I shouted at him, I didn't want my husband to die in such a big fire.

I looked down to see his left leg on fire. By the time I looked up again he was screaming in pain.

''RUN TO THE SHOWER!'' I shouted back at him.

He did exactly what I told him, he bolted down the long hallway to the bathroom.

Once he came out I pulled him in for a hug.

''Talonto, you fool. I would never forgive myself if you died.''

''The main fact is that I'm alive and well, and love you guys.''

''We love you too daddy!'' Cas and Kieran said peering in from the burnt garden door.

Three hours later, in the middle of the night Cassidy decided to have her birthday inside from now.

''Happy birthday!'' I shouted out before blowing into a birthday horn. I never wanted Cassidy to grow up, my precious first baby girl was just growing way too fast. I held back the tears as she said it was embarrassing.

Cassidy. My little girl isn't so little any more, she had just mature a little bit more with a whole new world to explore.

                                                        ~*^*^*~ The End  ~*^*^*~

Only three more posts till the end of Generation five. Anyway, Thanks for reading Chapter 28 of The Cronwell Legacy. I hoped you liked it and please comment and I'll reply.

Thanks,  :)


  1. Aw I loved it :) And I love the clothing pieces you choose for them and their hair-dos :) Everything is great in your legacy :D

    1. Aw Emma you just made my day (Night)!! Your kind words are well appreciated.

      & Thanks for commenting ! :D

  2. I loved it! I nearly thought it was the end of Alex and started cussing at the screen! XD Cassie turned out very well! :D Great chappie! XD

    1. Lol Kuba you make me laugh, I could never kill of Alex... or could I.

      Thanks she did, and Thanks :D

      & Thanks for commenting ! :D

  3. Cassidy is beautiful! And Kieran was so cute in that hat! Glad Alex was okay! Great chapter! ;o)

  4. I started to panic! I thought Alex was going to die!! D:

    Cassidy is absolutely gorgeous!

    Awesome chapter :D


    1. I could never kill of Alex, the fire was just an accident it wasn't planned in my story.

      I know she is!

      & Thanks a bunch for commenting :)

  5. Aw Thanks a lot Annika!!!

    & Thanks a bunch for commenting :)


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