Monday, 30 July 2012

Generation 5, Chapter 29 : I though you would want another baby.

I hadn't seen Evan in five years. With everything hectic going on in our life I never had a single chance to go see him or my dad. As for Mary - Jayne, I don't really communicate with her, she is too busy being all lovey dovey with her girlfriend, Anna-Marie.

One day I saw him strolling with his wife, Lilly Wells, down my street. 

''HEY EVAN!'' I shouted across the neighbourhood to see them both jump but then notice me. Once they came over we exchanged hugs and as I hugged Lilly I noticed how heavily pregnant she was. 

''Your pregnant!''

''Yeah Jade, eight and a half months now. She's due in just two weeks.''

''Aw Congratulations guys, you'll make great parents! So Lilly, how has the pregnancy been been treating you?''

''Oh it's been real hard, the baby had been breached for months until it finally turned around in my sleep. I was so re-'' Just as she was finishing her sentence she clenched her belly in pain. Although her water never broke, I instantly knew she was in labour as I had experienced it twice.

''Honey, what's wrong!'' Evan said to her with a confused face I had never seen before.

''EVAN! She's having your baby go and take her to the freaking hospital and I'll meet you there in ten.'' 

Within three minuet they were both in the car, both bolting down the road. I could still hear Lilly screaming in pain.

Once I got to the hospital I was directed to the room she was delivering the baby in. I anxiously waited outside to see if the baby was born perfect and healthy. I was really worried because she seemed to be in tremendous pain, much more than I had been in.

Four longs hours later I was allowed to come into the room to  meet my new niece. I first saw her sleeping on the bed, holding the baby girl in her arms. Then I glanced at Evan to see his face lit up like a Christmas tree.

''Her name is Vanessa Sophia Wells. The doctor said she was born perfectly healthy.'' Evan said to me quietly trying to avoid any possible outbursts of noise to keep the baby asleep.

I was allowed to hold her. Holding her made me want to have another baby again.

''I'll leave you two to get familiar with your girl.'' I said before leaving to home.

''Sis, I'll see you soon.''


The thought  of another baby was still circling around my head. I was thirty nine and in perfect condition to have a baby. The only problem was Alex, he doesn't want any more children. I had to tell him the idea of having another child, he could always change his mind.

''You all right honey?'' I said before placing my keys on the table behind the couch.

''Yeah, just had a hard day at work.''

I walked over to him and pulled him in for a cuddle.

''Aw sorry honey, well I had an interesting day. I found out my brother was having a baby and had it today. That's where I was all day, at the hospital with them. They had a beautiful baby girl called Vanessa.''

''That's so nice, it's always great to have another Cronwell in the family!'' He said before nudging me.

''Yeah. But seeing little Vanessa got me thinking....''I had to tell him that I wanted another child.

''......I think we should have another child.'' He suddenly leaped of the chair with an uncomfortable look on his face.

I had a strong feeling that we were not going to have another child.

And boy was I right.

                                                       ~**^**~ The End ~**^**~

Thanks for reading chapter 29 of The Cronwell Legacy. I really hoped you liked it. Please comment and I'll reply. Thanks, :) 


  1. Aww! Hopefully Alex agrees! D: The children ear-wigging in the backround made me giggle! ;) I really liked this chapter! Oh and Baby V is so cute! :D Oh, by the way, I've released the latest chapter
    and if you want here's the Facebook page where I post spoilers and keep updates! ;) Anyway great chapter! ;D

    1. Aw Thanks Kuba and I'll go and read it now
      & Thanks for commenting :D

  2. Oh dear, hopefully he'll change his mind? Congrats Evan on becoming a dad! XD

    1. Thanks he's a good daddy, he learnt it from his own daddy XD
      & Thanks for commenting :D

  3. Aww that baby is going to be adorable <3

    Alex better want to have another baby!!!

    I love how Cassidy and Kieran were standing in the doorway the whole time xD

    Great post! Loved it :D


    1. Aww Thanks for the lovely comments Chloe!!
      Alex only wanted two children so I guess it's only two children XD.
      & Thanks for commenting :D

  4. Thanks Annika, Vanessa will be shown allot more in Gen. 6!!
    & Thanks for commenting :D

  5. So... ur saying... Mary - Jayne is a.... you know.......


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