Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Generation 6, Chapter 9 : The proposal I've always wanted.

NOTE:- This post contains sexual content but nothing too explicit, there is no nudity too.

As bad as it was, having Nadine out of the house wasn't entirely lonely. With Nadine occupied by Austin and Tasha, Harrison and I had much more time to spend together.

The weather in Starlight Shores seemed to never changed, always sunny. Most people like sun but I prefer a cold climate, maybe on day it'll snow here.

''What shall we do today Harry?''

''You've called me Harry over a million times now that I'm really can't be bothered to correct you any more, so my name is now Harry, to you.''

''I like the sound of that, now any suggestions?''

''Yes but I've planned a surprise for you.''

''What kind of surprise?'' He had surprised me once and it was a good surprise, let's just hope this one is too.

''Well... I can't tell you hence the term surprise.''

''Don't you get all sarcastic with me mister, or I'll call up your mum.''

He stood up and grinned at me, not with just a normal grin but a cheeky grin. He backed away a bit and drew his hands threw my frizzy hair.

''Call my mother, she's organized this surprise for you so...'' For some odd reason I got more and more worried.

''Harrison who else is in on this surprise for me?''

''Only Nadine, my mother and Austin. They know every little detail about it and what is going to happen. Don't worry though, hopefully everything will go according to plan and we'll be both happy at the end of it.''

''I hope we are too because if I get hurt, boy you are in trouble.''

He chuckled and strolled through the garden gate. ''If you say so Casa Casa.'' Casa Casa is what Harry called me ever since I called him Harry, I guess we both thought of names that we knew each other would hate.

Once I changed into something more exotic as Harry said, we were set to go. He told me to bring a few thing because we would be staying the night at this mystery place.

''YES! This is going to be the best night ever.''

''Urm, Harry can you clam down a bit, the neighbours are watching us.''

He led me down a path which seemed to never end. Of course he covered my eyes, guiding my feet by brushing his sandals across my legs. I still felt unsecured about where we were going.

''Okay were almost there.''

''Are you sure because we've been walking for ages and your hands are now sweating.'' I said trying to balance on the uneven surface.

''Yeah, just a few more steps.''

''You said that ten minuets ago.''

''But I'm not lying this time.''

''And were here.'' He took his hands of off my eyes and I wiped them form his hand sweat. I looked up to see a small little cottage with wide wooden windows and from what I could see a fireplace. Next to it was a canopy with something under it but I was too far away to see what it was.

We were surrounded by nature, bushes, trees, hedges and many many more things. There was also a small bridge surrounded by a dinky little pond with lillie pads floating on top.

''Oh my god. Harry this place is amazing, How? When? Why?'' I couldn't stop asking questions without giggling and kissing him.

''How ~ I wanted to surprise you but I had no clue where to take you. So I called up my mum and she said to drive around town and look for something romantic. And then I came across this place, rented out the little cottage and the land with my savings and here we are.

When ~ I rented it a week ago after Nadine moved out and got it fixed up for us.''

''Why ~ Because I love you.'' Again the L word came into motion.

I couldn't help but explore the place like a little child running into a park. Once I got back to Harrison he stroked my check.

''There's so much to do in this place but there's one thing I really want to do.''

''Hmm, what's that?''


We were fishing for what seemed an hour and a half. I could feel fish draw my line in but they just nipped the bait of off the line and into there greedy little mouths.

''Stupid fish.'' I muttered under my breath. I didn't want to say it out loud because I could see Harrison was enjoying it and he had already caught seven fish.

He put down he fishing rod and pulled me in for a hug. My hands got closer and closer to his butt until they were firmly on it.

''If you don't enjoy fishing we could head upstairs and...''

''Hmm not so fast mister, I haven't been all around the place yet.''

The second thing I went to was the blooming apple tree. I just picked and picked until the tree was empty of all it's fruity goodness.

Once I got into the cottage I was shocked, it looked a lot smaller than it looked on the outside but it still looked beautiful.

The placed had a wooden vibe to it, with it's solid wooden table and chairs to match. It also had a small ittle brown chair and two smaller green chairs along with it.

I sat comfortably in the little green chair while Harry lit the fireplace. I couldn't help but gaze at his round butt, it's just too irresistible.

''Urm... Mister. Smith what are you doing?''

''Oh you know, just warming the old butt.''

''And could you tell me why?'' Of course he had no come-back so instead he turned around ignoring my question like he never heard it.

I left Harry at the fireplace while I continued to look around the place. The set of stairs to the right took me to our bedroom. I looked inside drawers and cupboards and to my surprise, I found a condom in the a night stand.

Harrison and I have never had sex before and I was still hesitant to do it. But I took one look at him and realised that we are in a lovely little cottage by ourselves, what better place to 'do it'.

''Hey Harrison come up.'' He replied and in a hadst I took off my clothes revealing my bra and thongs.

Harrison came up and froze at the sight of me almost naked.

''Urm Cassidy, are you hot or something?''

''No, but you are.''

''What?'' He said with a puzzled look on his face.

''I'm ready Harry, I'm finally ready to make love to you.'' He grinned at me and ran to me, pulling me in for a deep kiss, the kisses soon got down all the way to my neck.

While I opened his belt buckle his kissed me again on the neck, brushing his hands threw my hair and said ''I love you so much Casa.''

As we kissed each other deeply I pulled out bodies together and onto the bed. As I kissed his neck I could feel him and un-clipping my bra. Soon after I tugged on his pants and are bodies moved in rhythm. 

Although this wasn't my first time, it felt like it was. Harrison was a gentle lover, he didn't just go forward like a wild animal he made sure I felt comfortable and safe.

We spent hours in our bedroom making love to each other. That afternoon was one of the best afternoons I had ever experienced.

Harrison grinned at me while I pulled up my knickers from my thighs. 

''That was fun, right?'' He asked me. I searched under the cover for his hand and pulled it up out of the covers.

''Of course it as, you know your very gentle.''

''I know I am. Let's stay in bed for a little while more.''



A few hours turned into stay in bed together till it struck twelve in the morning. For some reason we couldn't sleep so instead Harry gave me massage under the canopy. 

My body felt so hard in the hands of Harrison, his soft touch did wonders for my spinal area. Also breathing in then night air and watching the fireflies in the night was a beautiful touch to this wonderful night.

An hour later I got dressed and we came back outside to enjoy more of the fresh air.

''Isn't this just amazing.'' Harrison said to me while looked up at the stars from the comfort of his shoulders.

After Harry got tired of lifting me up, I lit up the fire pit and roasted an apple which I picked earlier today.

Harrison decided yet again that he had to warm his perfect round butt.

''This is all just beautiful Harrison, thank you so much.'' I said as we watched the moon begin to set over the horizon. We lost track of time and stayed awake ALL night long.

''You don't have to be, and it's not over yet...''

''What do you mean Harry?''

He got down one and reached for his pocket. He pulled out a black box and I certainly knew what he was about to do


''Like, I LOVE!'' I literately couldn't control my excitement. The ring shimmered in the night sky and I just couldn't help but stare at it.

''This may sound corny.''

''Cassidy Rae Cronwell, will you do the honour of marrying me, Harrison Braden Smith?'' Suddenly I blocked out for a minuet. All this time I've wanted Harrison to propose to me and we'd get married and live happily ever after but the reality was, I didn't really know if I was ready.

Then I had a flash back.

The day I went to Sunset Valley and met my ancestors. As my grandfather was in tears over seeing his mothers grave he said to me, ''Cassidy, when something great is offered to you, take it. Don't be held back by fear.''

Then I came to my decision.

''Yes. I will marry you Harrison!'' I said. 

He grinned at me as he slid the ring on my index finger.  After the flashback I had things becoming clearer; I am going to be getting married to Harrison, The one.

''Oh Harrison,'' I cried out lunging myself into him.

''Let it out Casa, let it out.''

''Do you want to know something Mr. Smith?'' I said to him with a cheeky smile directed at him.


''Were getting married.'' 

''We sure are.'' He carried me upstairs while I continued to admire my ring, and we soon fell asleep.


In the morning I found myself under the covers tucked into Harrison's chest. 

I looked at him,admired his cute face while he slept and thought to myself, 

 I've found my soulmate.


Done, I hope you guys are satisfied with the proposal post because I didn't like it at all, I think I should of took more photos.

Also, One of my new friends, Hannah Sims, had this awesome legacy! You should check it out ~~>

~> Hannah's legacy <~

Anyway, Thanks so much for reading Chapter 9 of The Cronwell Legacy.

I really hop you liked this chapter and please comment on what you thought.

Thanks a bunch!, :)


  1. Thanks so much Annika, The next chapter will be out soon ;D

    Thanks for commenting, :D

  2. I loved it!!!!! Yaaaaay they are so cute together, I totally ship them.

    Loved this post.

    That cottage was so nice! I loved it, and I'm glad they had a good time. :D


    1. Thanks Hannah, I made that cottage and I'm glad you liked it ^_^

      Thanks for the nice comment!, :)

  3. YES!!! FINALLY!!!!! ^_^

    The cuteness <3 *giggles*

    I loved it! I can't wait to see them get married! :D


    1. Thanks Chloe, I can't wait either ;D

      ~ Thanks for commenting :D

  4. This was such a good chapter! I liked the cottage idea. The whole thing was so sweet and cute! I love what you've done with this story. ^_^ Sorry I was late to comment, I've been busy.

    Yay! The proposal was a great way to end the post. I can't wait for the wedding! ^_^

    ~Calista Smith

    1. Thanks so much Molly, I didn't like the cottage idea at first but then I decided to go with it and see what everyone else think ^_^

      No problem, you've commented now :D

      Thanks again, And Thanks for commenting!


I really Like feedback so if you have some time leave a Comment and I will reply :)