Friday, 30 November 2012

Generation 6, Chapter 27 : Their Twenty - one already. Can it be true?

As a few weeks passed by the twins birthday came quicker than I imagined. Also it started to snow fairly heavy in Twinbrook which made things so cold. My plants became dormant and the town simply looked like a thick white blanket.

''Erm Harrison... what are you doing?'' I asked Harrison puzzled at the unknown reason of him standing like that.

''Remember eighteen years ago when the twins were three and Lindsey wasn't born yet?''

''Yes I do.'' I said.

''Remember we used to meditate with them every other week, well since were getting into old age now I thought I'd start mediating again to calm the nerves.''

''Okay. But do you really think meditating will help YOUR old age?'' I asked.

''Maybe, you just never know.'' He said with a grin.



''Mum!'' I heard three voices calling out from the hallway.

''Were in here, guys'' I said mixing the thick sticky mixture of my Key Lime Pie.

''Where are the birthday boys!?'' Harrison called out still thinking they were in the hallway.

''Were here!'' Declan called out before opening the door to the kitchen.

''Oh my god mum you'll never guess what happened at school today!'' Lindsey said with a smirk on my face.

''What Linds?''

''The REALLY hot guy in my class was totally checking me out!'' She said. Harrison glared at Lindsey for a second, since she was our only girl and our youngest Harrison went to all measures to keep her safe.

''Who the hell is he?? Does he have a Criminal record? Is he a drug user?'' Harrison asked worryingly.

''DAD! His name is Tony and no, he is really smart and cool. Plus he likes to play the Piano just like me and he likes me!'' She said sighing in delight.

''Aww!! Lindsey has a boyfriend!'' Declan said while laughing.

''Shut up idiot, and he is NOT my boyfriend... yet.'' She said under her breath.

''Good.'' Harrison said.

''SO mum. How have you been today?'' Robin asked. He was always the one to see how I was and how I was feeling ever since a quit my job at the hospital.

''I've been great thank YOU Robin, I just went out to the garden centre and visited your Aunt Nadine and the baby. That's pretty it.''


Declan seemed quite quiet that day and I was beginning to become a bit worried about him.

''Declan honey, are you aright?''

''I'm fine mum.'' He said looking straight into the window.

''Declan, seriously are you okay bro?'' Robin asked him.

''No. I don't want to grow up, to be honest I'm scared of it.'' He said looking at me.

''Honey.'' I butted in. ''... Don't be. Life must go on. I know your having doubts and so am I, do you really think I want my three little babies to grow up? I really don't but the reality is that you have to.''

''Your right mum, Life must go on. Thank for the advice.'' He said smiling at me.

''Any time Deccy!'' I said winking at him.

 An hour later we ate dinner and talked about out days.

''Mum, you know Declan and I both you love you and dad very much. We've been so damn fortunate to be born into a loving and caring family such as ours and we are 100% grateful for that. Mum we LOVE you.''

''Woo! Happy Birthday dorks!'' Lindsey shouted out laughing.

''My boys are becoming men...'' Harrison said crying a bit. Although Harrison seemed tough and macho on the outside, he is just a big soft man on the inside.

''Ready?'' Robin asked.

''Ready man!'' Declan cheered out.

''Hip Hip, Hurray!!'' We all cheered out they they both blew out their candles in sync.

A week later the boys Graduation came up. I literately now had to look up to them because they were so tall and developed.

Robin and Declan surprisingly still looked like each other even at twenty-one years old. The only things that were different was their hair colour and the face shape, Declan seemed to have my full cheeks whereas Robin's were more like his father.

''Mum are you okay?'' Lindsey asked me in a concerned tone.

''I'm...alright...'' I sniffled.

''Lindsey you mum is a bit sad at the moment. Like most mothers she has been dreading the day her children growing up and twenty-one years later, the day has came.'' Instead of replying I just instead began crying again.

I took out a old picture of the twins when they were just born and a tear drops rubbed against the picture as I remember the days they were so dependent on me and no their just... so independent.

''Mum, you don't have to be sad! Do you actually think were just going to abandon you after twenty-one years?''

''... Maybe?'' I said sniffling.

''Mum your out of your mind!'' Declan said. ''Of course were going to see you often, I can't cook anything so I'll be here every night!'' He said laughing.

''Great! Now that everything sorted why don't we head off to the boys graduations ceremony.'' Harrison said before pulling the car keys out of his pocket.

Since Winter was still settled upon Twinbrook, once we drove up to City Hall is began raining.

Hours later the ceremony had ended. I let out a few tears as I saw my boys go up on stage and graduate, receiving their diplomas. Robin was voted Class Valedictorion and Declan was voted Most popular student of his year.

By time we let the ceremony with all the other proud parents is was dark and I could hardly see my Robin and Declan toss their diplomas in the air.

''Mum; Dad! We did it!'' They both said in sync.

I pulled them both in for a big hug and gave them a big kiss.

''Erm guys... I believe I contributed in your life?'' Harrison said sadly.

''Don't get all emotional dad, get over here!'' Declan called pulling him in for a hug.

''And you to Lindsey!!'' Robin said. We all hugged for about a minuet but then Robin and Declan went off to the side to talk.

''So Declan... what now?'' Harrison, Lindsey and I spied on their conversation so I was able to hear everything they were saying.

''What do you mean 'What now'?

''Like what now? We've graduated, we both have great qualifications... so what now?''

''We live our life's. In a week we'll be moving out and then we have to see from their.'' Declan says.

''Do you have anything in mind you want to do in life?''

''I have a plan... it's just I don't think you, Mum or even Dad will support it...''

''That depends what it is Declan...?''

''Oh you just have to wait and see big brother!'' Declan says sarcastically. Robin is actually only ten minuets older than his twin brother.

''Declan?'' Robin asked.


''Uh... I love you. Your actually a great brother and a great friend.''

''I love you to big bro!'' Delcan says before pulling him in for a hug.

I begin to cry so much again and they notice that Harrison, Lindsey and I have been spying. They run over to me and comfort me, they could clearly see I didn't want them to go and I was going to miss them. 

My babies are growing up and I just have to face it.


I'm so happy I've got another Generation done and dusted of The Cronwell Legacy!

Thanks to everyone who has been following my legacy for another Generation and I hope you will stick around for another!

Please Comment...

Thanks, :)

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Generation 6, Chapter 26 : Mother don't cry, dry your eyes.

Having three teenagers in the house was quite... interesting.

As Lindsey grew older and older she followed Declan path to the land of games which actually didn't surprise me at all. Robin on the other hand didn't like games but instead was creative. He has a passion for designing blueprints and just a year ago he enrolled into a Architectural University. Declan decided not to go University and instead got a practical job working in a Nursery. With the boys turning twenty-one in a few months they were both excited to leave home and start their own life's.

''Don't you guys think it's time to put down the games and get some fresh air?'' I asked them in a worried tone.

''I've been telling them that for half an hour now.'' Robin said before sighing.

Robin jumped up in excitement and peered out the window.

''Guys! GUYS! It's snowing!!'' He said in excitement.

Lindsey took her eyes off of the game for a minuet and replied to Robin. ''Urm Robin aren't you like... twenty? Shouldn't you be thinking about establishing a career instead of making a snowman?''

''For you information mum once told me 'An adult can be a kid at heart.' so don't be telling me what to do and what not to do missy.''

''Okay Robin, calm your man parts!'' She said laughing. Declan dropped the pad and dropped to the floor in laughter while I comforted Robin.

''Lindsey! That's a really rude thing to say to your OLDER brother.''

''Sorry OLDER brother she replied in a rude tone.'' I can honestly say even with two twenty year old's and a 16 year old in the house there are still petty arguments in the house.

''Hey mum! Can you check how cold it is outside?''

''Can't you checked the weather?'' I said back to her.

''Yeah but... going outside and checking the temperature for yourself is more accurate.''

''Fine.'' I was going to grab my coat but it was upstairs so I just went outside in my dress.

CLICK. The door buckled shut and Declan and Lindsey began laughing out loud.

I was tricked.

''Lindsey Maria Cronwell open this door right now!'' I demanded holding all parts of my body in absolute chill.

''I'll open it.'' Harrison said.

''MUM!'' Robin said running out of the door and handing me a blanket.

''Are you aright? Are you cold?'' He asked me.

''I'm fine luv, thank you. At least I have ONE child to rely on.'' I hugged Robin and we went back in.

To warm myself and house up I lit the fireplace which had been recently installed.

''Ahh, this will make the house nice and warm.''

Declan let out a small laugh while I turned around to warm my bottom. Lindsey on the other hand wasn't amused at all.

''Dad. Can you tell mum to act like a civilized woman please?'' She said with a strict tone on her voice.

''Sure, right after you apologize for locking her out the house.'' Harrison replied with a smirk. I could always reply on Harrison with a battle against out kids.

''FINE. I am so sorry mummy for locking you out the house. Now can you please NOT warm your butt.''

I turned around a winked at her and she laughed back at me.


''Cassidy; Harrison; Is anybody here?'' I heard a familiar voice call from the hallway and quickly noticed it as my mother.

''Hold on mum.''

''How are you mum? Are you getting lonely again because you can always stay with us.''

''I'm fine honey but yes, I am a bit lo-'' She broke into tears, again.

Ever since my father died two years ago my mum fell into deep depression again. She kept on telling me all she wanted was to just see him one more time, just for the old time sake.

She ran into the living room to hide her sadness.

''Oh mum.'' I sighed following her into the living room.

''Mum please don't do this again, please just talk to me.''

''You don't understand Cassidy... I just miss him so much...'' She said sobbing into a pillow.

''I know you do but life must go on.'' I knelt down and hugged her.

''Mum, would you like to visit his grave again?''

''Yes honey, I really do.''

''Come on then, I'll just go get my coat.''


We travelled all the way across town to the private cemetery where we buried him.

''Were here.''

As soon as we walked up to his grave my mum began crying in my arms.

''Cassidy we did god have to take him from me? We were so happy.''

''Mother, sometimes god does things that we never actually know why but trust me, it's all for a purpose.''

''I can't handle this any more, I need to be with him.''


She ran up to his grave and laid next to it. I could hear her muttering something while she was crying in the snow.

''Alex just you wait for me, we'll be together again soon...''

I began crying myself and knelt unto her in the thick white snow.

''Oh mum, I know you miss dad so much but trust me, you'll get over it and one day you'll be with him in the great beyond.''

''I know honey, I know.'' She said to me. Before she could cry I pulled her in for a well needed hug.

While I was still comforting her I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

WHERE R U & MUM? The text read from Kieran.


Kieran got here just a few minuets later and looked at mum who was still in distress.


''Kieran.'' She said.

We all began crying and hugged each other. All my mum needed right now was to be surrounded by the people who she loved most, her family.

Kieran constantly whispered into her ears,

''Mother don't cry, dry your eyes.''


R..I..P Alex Cronwell. Generation Five Spouse.

Thank you for reading Chapter 26 of The Cronwell Legacy & I hoped you enjoyed it very much.
Just another notice that this is the SECOND TO LAST chapter of Generation Six.

Please comment,

Thanks :)

Monday, 19 November 2012

Generation 6, Chapter 25 : Autumn Festivities.

Twinbrook took a new turn in it's weather recently which really shocked me. The trees turned a orange/red colour fairly quickly and even started to shed their leaves.

Also, the fall festival from Appaloosa Plains arrived in Twinbrook and created quite a lot of excitement for the town.

Lindsey somehow convinced me to take her to the brand new haunted house in the festival so she could see what it was like.

''Be careful honey, you don't know what the hell is in there.'' I said pulling her in for a big hug.

''Mum! I'm not scared at all...''

''She smiled at me and strolled up to the door of the house. She peaked in a bit and shivered.

''Okay, this may be a bit scary.'' I heard her murmur to herself. I knew she didn't meant to make me hear that so I didn't say nothing and instead turned to look at the other activities in the festival.

''Okay... that was kind of scary...'' She said before walking back to me.

Again, she then somehow convinced me to enter the pie-eating competition with her.

''I can't do this.'' I said getting into position, hesitantly.

''Yes you can mummy, just place your head directly above the pie and stuff yourself!'' She then says.

''Fine.'' I said frowning at her. Just as I said that the bell rang.

Chunk after Chunk became worst. More pie was on my face than in my stomach. I looked over to Lindsey who was also having a hard time digesting the pie.

''YES! I won!; I won!'' I heard her cheer out as the bell rang once again.

''Good job Lin-''

I stopped talking and bolted for the park toilet... but didn't get there in time. I vomited up my entire lunch and the pie on my plain grass. I felt so disgusting and embarrassed at the same time.

''Hi there-'' Harrison called out from behind us, we turned around and he looked at us in complete shock. ''...What the hell happened to you two?'' He asked.

''Lindsey convinced forced me to enter the pie-eating competition and let's just say... it kind of went wrong.''

''But I won daddy!'' Lindsey shouted out.

''That's my girl!!'' He said to her.

''Now, don't you think you pie faces should clean up?'' He said cheekily while laughing at us.

''Shut it Mr., or I'll get Robin and Declan to hide your favourite pants.''

''Oh you wouldn't dare.'' He said.

''Oh yes I would.''

After out mini fake argument, Lindsey asked us if we could pick her some Jack - o - Lanterns for Spooky Day.

''How many do you want Linds?'' Harrison asked her.

''Five please!''


Many hours later Robin and Declan joined us at the pier and we all watched the sun set.

''It's stunning.'' Robin said.

''It's aright.'' Declan said.

''It's pretty!'' Lindsey said.

''Speaking of pretty, don't you guys think your mother looks pretty today?''

''She certainly does.'' They all said in sync.

''Aww! Thanks you guys.'' I turned to Harrison and pulled him in an embrace. ''Your just to wonderful.'' I say to him.

''I know.'' He says with a grin.

Seconds later it began to pour heavily down with Rain, luckily we had our umbrellas so we didn't get to wet.


After we had dinner someone I hadn't of guessed it would be showed up at our door. I rubbed the steam of the glass door and looked through to see who it was at the door. I screamed in excitement and immediately opened the door.

''NADINE!'' I shouted out.

''CASSIDY!'' She replied. She pulled me in for a big hug and I could feel the water from her coat rub against me.

Once we finished greeting each other I led her inside the house where she saw Harrison and also ran to him to hug him.

''Harrison! How are you?''

''Nadine, god it's been so long. I'm great thanks, just about to cook dinner, you can stay if you like?''

''I would love to but I have to meet my father at the airport in a hour.''

''So! How are you Nadine? God it's been like three years since we've seen each other!''

''I know, oh my god it really has; we must catch up! I've been great thanks, Tasha recently moved out of the house so it's quite boring at home with Austin.''

''Oh sorry, well we've got a full house here!''

''Oh yes! How is the twins and Lindsey?'' She asked.

''Their great thanks, there in the garden playing on the trampoline.''

''Okay. Uh... Cassidy I need to tell you something really important, and exciting.''

''What is it?''

''I'm pregnant!''

''What? When? How?''

''Austin and I decided to start trying for another baby seeing as Tasha is all grown up now. At first I thought I was a bit to old but we thought it over and we decided to try. Three weeks later I took a pregnancy test and found out I was pregnant!''

''That is so great Nadine, I'm going to be an aunt again!'' I screamed in excitement.

''Congratulations Nadine!'' Harrison said in the background.

''Hold that thought...'' She said answering her phone.

I could hear her in the distance. ''....Yeah Dad I'm jut leaving now, I'll be there in twenty minuets.''

''I'm really sorry Cassidy but I have to go now, I'll come back tomorrow and we can go baby shopping!''

''Sure Nadine, I'll be here!''

We said out goodbyes and she left. It was nice to catch up with my best friend again after so many years.


A month went passed, I did meet up with Nadine again and we went shopping for clothes and such. Spooky Day approached and Lindsey just kept on getting more and more excited.

Harrison and I both took her Trick-or-treating and she got a bucket full of sweets! She was so happy and she definitely caught a sugar rush on those sweets!


Thanks for reading Chapter 25 of The Cronwell Legacy.
There will be about three more chapter until this Generation ends!

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