Saturday, 9 March 2013


Okay, so there are going to be some changes to my legacy.

So to be honest Twinbrook is boring as hell, like seriously at first when Cassidy moved there with her family, it was amazing! However, as things progressed it got pretty boring and I noticed the town was a bit too undeveloped for my liking.
I’ve put up with it for so long now and I can’t anymore to be honest so I’ve decided to move The Cronwell’s to St. Claire! It’s a custom made town by Awesims and many people say it’s an AMAZING town!! I’m going to try to set everything up tonight but the move will defiantly be showed in the next chapter!
*Also, No Cronwell’s will be left behind. All dead, alive and well will be moving to St. Claire! They will also keep their house too just so things are easier if you know what I mean. 
*Also, again, Twinbrook has been very glitchy for me too so that is another reason for the move.

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