Sunday, 6 November 2011

Chapter 23 (Gen.2 ): Birthday's,Boyfriends,Proms and a puppy/Dog!

Chapter 23:

Aries P.O.V
Our house was so dull and the shades of colour was quite boring.I decided it was time for A change,So I decided to do a liitle refurbishing.
I decided to go with a blue theme with nearly everything light blue! I think I did a good job on this room now to the livingroom...

I added shelves,Bookshelves and New wallpaper to the Living room,I like the chairs and decided to leave them.
I was s exhausted form all the renovating, I fell asleep on the kitchen floor.

 Goodnight My Precious Love!
 The house was silent,They only thing you could here was are stupid neighbors dog barking! (No joke Aries has a neighbor with a barking dog)
 I woke up at 6:00am,Everyone was still sleeping and I just lay on the bed thinking...
Scarlett woke up first, I loved Scarlett,She was somehow different to my other Children I don't know how,she just is.
 It wasn't long Before Scarlett's Birthday, Yay I love toddlers they have so much to learn!

Happy Birthday My Little Scarlett                                                                                                          
 She aged up all cross-eyed, I love this picture it is so funny!

 Hunter got on really well with his Sister,They played Peek-a-boo for about an hour!
 I walked in to the livingroom to see Sophie on games,Hunter on games,Taylor on the laptop,Scarlett playing with the toy aunt Jasmin sent her and Tia on the sofa sleeping!
 My latest art project was too paint each of my children in their normal day.
I loved too paint it was more like a passion than a hobbie.

Scarlett was very fussy with er food and hardly ate what she was given!
 The other day My friend rang me up and asked me if I wanted t adopt her new puppy,I thought is was a good idea too so I consulted the kids and with every ones consent we adopted Hope into our family.
 Cooking was another one of my Hobbies,I like too cook all kinds of dishes.
 Sophie swapped her glasses for Hazel contact lenses,She prefers contacts and she said it makes her look more Beautiful.
 As Hope was a puppy She needed lots of sleep,She often slept a long time!

 Aw my girls have found there true matches,Richie Keaton(Red - t-shirt) an Sam Seketemo (Other boy)
I am so happy for my girls! The couples will be going to the dance tonight.
 Carter had so much fun playing with Scarlett,He told me once he wish he could quit his job for her to play with her! Carter tough is a successful man,He is team captain for the Llamas and is an outstanding athlete.
Carter and I agreed that He would teach her to talk and I would teach her to walk.
 Taylor Grew fond of Hope,She cuddled her so much she smelled like Hope!
 Just Like hunter Sophie grew to like SCarlett,she nursed her like it was her own baby.
 I had to take this picture of  Taylor,She looks beautiful,When I saw the twins I let a tear of happiness from my eyes.

 Huh Looks like a limo picked them up umm......Special treatment....celebrity!
 The Girls told me How much fun they had at prom,The pictures they brought home were halerious!
I was so proud of Taylor,She was proud Prom queen of the Dance with Sam as King.
 Tia and Hope got along very well,they never fight nor Tia never hissed at Hope.
 I taught Scarlett how to walk before putting her too bed

 She was such a great walker by now!

Goodnight My kids and Husband.

.............................The Next Morning...................................................................................................

 I woke up the next morning to see Hope aging up into an adult Dog
Happy Birthday Hope!
 Hope Cronwell
 I finally Finished the pictures of The children Sophie and Taylor

Thanks For reading this chapter - By the way this is the second to last chapter of Aries Legacy so be prepared for a heir vote.....
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