Saturday, 31 March 2012

Generation 4, Chapter 7 : Surprises

It has been a month since the wedding, many things has happened. For one, we have moved houses to a beautiful beach-house on the coast of Starlight shores. Also I was given a promotion to ''Sing-a-gram pro'' a few weeks ago and now I get many more hires for sing-a-grams. Also Chelsea and I went on a honeymoon but it was very short as we didn't want to leave Jade for long. Talking about Jade, tomorrow is her birthday and we are very excited but very said as she is growing up sooo fast!

Jade now has a full head of soft Hair!!! I was quite surprised her getting my Ginger/brown hair as I thought she would of got Chelsea light brown hair.

This are AMAZING beach house. It was designed by non other than my mums great friend and Architect, Destiny rose! My mum got her to come to Starlight shores and design and hired some builders too build it.

The master bedroom is the best room in the house (My opinion) it has three massive windows which has an ocean view which makes me feel so relaxing just looking at it from my bed.

Chelsea taught Jade simple words the other day like, ''Mummy'' and ''Cup'' and ''Star - Light''. Jade caught on to the ords very quick and even said some words she certainly didn't learn from us!

''Isn't it beautiful Chelsea?''

Yes it is, Like you!''

''Chelsea I love you, very much, I want to be with you forever and live a happy family with you and I and Jade''

''Riley, I love you too, to bits''. We ended up making out with each other and then one thing led to another and...

''Ugh, Riley I think I need to see a doctor, I feel HORRIBLE!'' This morning Chelsea woke up puking by the side of our NEW bed, feeling dreadful.

Her head was pounding her, I will look on the internet later to see if these are any symptoms of the flu or something. Maybe she picked up an illness form our Honeymoon in France.

Chelsea got all the strength she had and had a shower, got dress and came down to celebrate Jade ageing up into a hopefully good child!

Happy Birthday My baby Girl 

She aged up into a right cute child. She is almost a carbon copy of me (But a female version). She has my eyes and Hair. I never really commented on that as she was a toddler.

The following afternoon we took a nice stroll down to the Kids park and let Jade play on the Playground for an hour.

''Daddy, Push me higher, Higher!'' Aww Jade made me laugh the way she was chanting at me to make her go higher. She made me laugh when she started singing.

Reach for the stars
Climb every mountain higher
Reach for the stars
Follow your hearts desire
Reach for the stars
And when that rainbow's shining over you
That's when your dreams will all come true

''You know I love you, Chelsea''

''Nah Riley, what ever reason did we get married then?!?''

We wrapped are arms around each other staring at our little girl having the time of her life on the Swings!

~ Chelsea's P.O.V~

Suddenly I got up, raced to the corner and threw up .......

I think I'm Pregnant

Hurry I have finished this chapter
Seriously yo people's don't know how Tired I am

Anyway Thanks for reading Chapter 7 of The Cronwell Legacy

So it's 01:04am in the morning

Goodnight ( Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz)

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Generation 4, Chapter 6 : The Wedding

Since right after the wedding Jade will be growing up, we took loads of Pictures to treasure her toddler-hood.

Lately I have been hired to do many Sing - A - Grams for people of Celebrations to cheer-ups!

This was the last time I saw Chelsea before the wedding. Tomorrow afternoon I will be marrying her. She will become a Cronwell and so will Jade.

The day of the wedding

We changed the place of the wedding, we wanted a more open place than a stuffy hall in the middle of the city.

Little miss Jade walking down the isle as the Flower Girl made me so happy. My mum was surprised to see how big Jade was as she has only seen her in pictures we sent her. My parents are happy to FINALLY meet there first Grandchild.

WOW, My sister is actually Beautiful. That may sound wrong but seriously she is very pretty. She even told me how she got a job as a Model in Bridgeport and now lives there with her Fiancé, Dylan. Yes, she ended it with Leo after he tried to turn her to the Life of a Vampire. I told her he was trouble but she didn't listen to me, she is just lucky that she got away.

My mum still looks young just as the last time I saw her which is weird because she is pushing on 50!

My dad looks very much the same just with ALLOT of hair. I have always loved my dad just as much of my mum.I miss them very much and Grandma Aries too.

Isaac and Zeke couldn't make it, they just finished there exams and are hard at work preparing for there Graduation in a week. Apparently they look very older and Isaac even has a girlfriend called April.

My dad took the Honour of leading Chelsea down the isle as her Father died many years ago in a tram accident. She looked... words couldn't describe what she looked like, I have one word, GODDESS.

After hugs and greeting Chelsea and I say our vows.

My vows :

''When I first layed eyes on you in ''Karoke Town'' I knew we would be one day under this arch together. The night I got home after meeting you I pictures us as a family with Children running around our beach house like mad hatter. I had my doubts when you ran out on me but I just knew something was not right and I knew that, that night was not just ''A one night stand'' I knew it had to be something else. Love and hate brought us Jade, she may of been a mistake but she and you are the best things that have happened to me. And it will forever be ...

Chelsea's Vows:

''Riley Alex Cronwell, what can I say I am a fool. I don't why I ran out on you. I just didn't know in any words to tell you that I was Pregnant. When my parents died and my sister died of Drug addiction I was lonely, I had no one on this earth. Then when I met you I felt like I wasn't alone, like someone just picked me up and said, 'You are Not alone'. Riley I love you and Jade and THAT is why I am marrying you.''

Then we said our traditional vows.

I take, Chelsea Mari Brookes to be my lawfully wedded wife.
To love and to cherish,For better, for worse, In sickness
and in health, to death do us part.

I take, Riley Alexander Cronwell to be my lawfully wedded wife.
To love and to cherish,For better, for worse, In sickness
and in health, to death do us part.

Preist - ''By th power of vested me I pronounce you husband and wife! Riley you may now kiss the bride.

Everyone congratulated up and I swung Chelsea of her feet and said ...

''Shall we''

''Oh Riley, we shall!''

Thanks for wedding the wedding chapter!!
Please comment below on what you think 




I basically copied Clairebella (Dessiesims) and made a tumblr! Sorry for copying but it seems like a great idea!!

The Tumblr

Check it out :)

Monday, 19 March 2012

Review on my Legacy

I just found out someone reviewed my legacy! He is my Good friend, Evan Snider most known as Boggleman.
If you have time please read the review and my legacy :



Sunday, 18 March 2012

Generation 4, Chapter 5 : Is it really time for me to get married?

I set Jade down into the play swing we brought the day she was born, had a nice long soothing bath and got dressed all before Chelsea and I's wedding planner arrived.

''Hi, My name is Mrs Thompson and I'll be your wedding planner. So what kind of wedding are you love birds looking for, Fancy, Bid, or Trashy?''

Chelsea replied ''Well I think we are looking for a quiet place as appropriately only 13 people will be attending. I think something small but with class and Fanciness''  While the girls talk on and on about the venue Mrs. Thompson found for us I just seemed to gaze at the door like it was about to ring off.

''So, this is it ''Winter Hall'', this place is fairly new and is maintained really well and also has a low Renting price.''

I replied ''This place is perfect don't you think, Chelsea?'' I wasn't just saying that I honestly think this is the best place for us to get married.

''Thank you, thank you so much this is the PERFECT place for us!''

''My pleasure, Miss Brookes. Now I have to get to another client now so I hope everything will be good on you guys special day''

''I cannot wait for this day, Riley, I seriously can't!''

The following afternoon I wrote up invitations and posted them. My parents and Jessie are attending, The twins cannot come because there upcoming graduation. I am so excited to see them three because Jessie has very much matured and so has my parents!

I really do miss my family in old' Sunset Valley, I miss Gran and Grandad Cronwell and Keaton and I REALLY miss my parents too. But now I have a family here. The only thing I worry is about, will I ever get back on track my singing Career?

Not long later on I went down to the club down town and had a sort of Bachelor party. Although only one person showed up I still had a great time partying and dancing with the Girls! Don't tell CHELSEA!

''Jade, Tomorrow is your Birthday, my lil Girl becoming a cute little Toddler''

The followinr morning Chelsea and I got Jade and took her downstairs to her awaiting Cake.

My little girl is just one step closer than not being my little girl. Why do sims like us have to Grow so so quickly!

Chelsea teard up as she saw Jade grow up. Just three little days ago she was born into this fast and chilling world.

We cuddled out little girl trying our best to cherish her young days before she becomes a moody Teenager like I was!

''Gotta do this, gotta get in shape for the wedding, you can do this Riley, you can.'' I have never been athletic in my life, I was healthy I just don't have muscles. I am trying my VERY best to get in shape but I just cannot!

While Jade was occupied by her blocks, I tried on my  Suite that was tailored for me by Bryce Savge down the road.

''Wow, I looks smoken!'' We decided to have a white theme at our wedding so both Chelsea and I are going to were white.

~Chelsea's P.O.V~

I love this Dress I really do, but am I ready for a marriage?

Thanks for Reading Chapter 5
WOW this Generation is going really fast!!

Anyway thanks for reading Chapter 5 and please comment below!!

Thanks, :)!