Sunday, 25 March 2012

Generation 4, Chapter 6 : The Wedding

Since right after the wedding Jade will be growing up, we took loads of Pictures to treasure her toddler-hood.

Lately I have been hired to do many Sing - A - Grams for people of Celebrations to cheer-ups!

This was the last time I saw Chelsea before the wedding. Tomorrow afternoon I will be marrying her. She will become a Cronwell and so will Jade.

The day of the wedding

We changed the place of the wedding, we wanted a more open place than a stuffy hall in the middle of the city.

Little miss Jade walking down the isle as the Flower Girl made me so happy. My mum was surprised to see how big Jade was as she has only seen her in pictures we sent her. My parents are happy to FINALLY meet there first Grandchild.

WOW, My sister is actually Beautiful. That may sound wrong but seriously she is very pretty. She even told me how she got a job as a Model in Bridgeport and now lives there with her Fiancé, Dylan. Yes, she ended it with Leo after he tried to turn her to the Life of a Vampire. I told her he was trouble but she didn't listen to me, she is just lucky that she got away.

My mum still looks young just as the last time I saw her which is weird because she is pushing on 50!

My dad looks very much the same just with ALLOT of hair. I have always loved my dad just as much of my mum.I miss them very much and Grandma Aries too.

Isaac and Zeke couldn't make it, they just finished there exams and are hard at work preparing for there Graduation in a week. Apparently they look very older and Isaac even has a girlfriend called April.

My dad took the Honour of leading Chelsea down the isle as her Father died many years ago in a tram accident. She looked... words couldn't describe what she looked like, I have one word, GODDESS.

After hugs and greeting Chelsea and I say our vows.

My vows :

''When I first layed eyes on you in ''Karoke Town'' I knew we would be one day under this arch together. The night I got home after meeting you I pictures us as a family with Children running around our beach house like mad hatter. I had my doubts when you ran out on me but I just knew something was not right and I knew that, that night was not just ''A one night stand'' I knew it had to be something else. Love and hate brought us Jade, she may of been a mistake but she and you are the best things that have happened to me. And it will forever be ...

Chelsea's Vows:

''Riley Alex Cronwell, what can I say I am a fool. I don't why I ran out on you. I just didn't know in any words to tell you that I was Pregnant. When my parents died and my sister died of Drug addiction I was lonely, I had no one on this earth. Then when I met you I felt like I wasn't alone, like someone just picked me up and said, 'You are Not alone'. Riley I love you and Jade and THAT is why I am marrying you.''

Then we said our traditional vows.

I take, Chelsea Mari Brookes to be my lawfully wedded wife.
To love and to cherish,For better, for worse, In sickness
and in health, to death do us part.

I take, Riley Alexander Cronwell to be my lawfully wedded wife.
To love and to cherish,For better, for worse, In sickness
and in health, to death do us part.

Preist - ''By th power of vested me I pronounce you husband and wife! Riley you may now kiss the bride.

Everyone congratulated up and I swung Chelsea of her feet and said ...

''Shall we''

''Oh Riley, we shall!''

Thanks for wedding the wedding chapter!!
Please comment below on what you think 




  1. wow this generation is going by so fast! are they going to have any more kids?

  2. Aww what a lovely wedding, Jade is adorable!!! XD

    1. Thanks Lj, I thought I failed on the wedding!

  3. Putting the wedding vows in was a beautiful idea. A very beautiful wedding!

    1. Awww thanks Debbi glad to hear from you :)

    2. Kurtis, you have no idea how sorry I am for hurting your feelings. :( Take care and keep writing. :0)

    3. Thank you Debbi and I will :)


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