Monday, 12 March 2012

Generation 4, Chapter 2 : Love already

I looked out the window to see the amazing view or Starlight Shores. I already miss my family, especially my mum and Grandmother. The house was purchased and put in my name by my mum and the next years payment as already paid thanks to dad. You got to love rich parents!

One I left the airport I rented a car from the Gas station next to the airport and drove to my new house. I have never seen it before not even in pictures so it was exciting to see it. My mum said it is fully furnished so I didn't need furniture.

And this is it. It has a sort of Spanish theme to it and is very comfortable to live in ... so far.

My neck was killing me, from the uncomfortable plane seats which I stupidly sat in instead of first class where I should of been. ''Now, what to do what to do today?''

I got back into my car and drove round Starlight shores exploring and getting used to the complicated roads.

I passed this Karioke place and thoguth to myself ''What a great place to start of my carrer''. I enter the building to be amazed by the amount to people inside having fun and socializing. Most people recognized me by the Son of Sophie Cronwell as I am known now in most Cites now.

The property gave me the mike and I got up onto stage and started singing with him. He seemed strange but as I got a proper look at him I knew he was Bella Bachelor's Brother. He seemed very young considering his advanced age.

Suddenly my eyes seemed to be attached to this Beautiful woman who walked into the club looking like she was a Goddess.

Trying my luck and praying it works I talk up to her and talk to her. ''Hi, I'm Riley Cronwell, and you are?''

''Brooks ... Chelsea Brooks'' I just moved to Starlight Shores from Twinbrook to pursue my dream of becoming a Singer.''

''Are you serious you have the same Dream of me!''

We spent hours talking with each other about our lives and how we are very similar. So far everything was going well.

''So ... Riley, you know your kind of cute'' Yes! I was happy I didn't need to make the first move!

''Oh am I, and so are you VERY ATTRACTIVE!''

''For you, Chelsea'' I think I gave her the flowers at the right time because she was very happy to get them.

''Thank you Riley'' She kissed me on the lips, slipped her number in my pocket and said to me ''Call me soon''.

Once Chelsea left I performed in the street hoping to draw a crowd.

Aww bless this one kid you came over and started clapping and even gave me a large tip. I will alwways remember the smile he had.

''One day ... I WILL perform in this building, the day will come when the roaring crowds will applaud as I step onto the red carpet to perform my big hit.'' ''Just One Day''.

Next morning I woke up and made breakfast ... for one. I am literately hopeless and in the and I just had some cereal.

 Before leaving home I went into the garden for the first time, it has a beautiful seanory and a MASSIVE pool.

Once I got to the park I started singing and drew a big crowd this time and collected over 200 simoleons worth of tips from the Happy crowd.

The park manager was impressed with my work, she even gave me a place in tomorrow's performance.

''Hey, Chelsea do you want to come over today?'' She arrived not long after I called her.

''Hey Gorgeous how are you?''
''Good Hun, Really Good?''

'She whispered in my ear ''Shall we go upstairs'' 

We slept together, my first time was the best time of my life!

''Morning Sexy'' I said to her, something white and long was in her hand.

''Riley, I'm sorry I have to go ... Now''

Thanks for reading chapter 2 of Generation 4 .
 Tell me in the comments below hat you think it happening and what you thought about this chapter!

Thanks :)


  1. Aww poor Riley, I really hope she's not stringing him along, he's far too sweet to have his heart broken! :o(

  2. wow that was fast love and love at first sight

  3. Oooooh, that's one nice house Riley's got there for himself! :)

    It's great that he already found someone... But I dunno if she's so serious about him. O_o I hope their relationship works out!

    1. Okay let me tell you one thing, The Relationship will work ... But with a Twist


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