Thursday, 21 June 2012

Generation 5, Chapter 11 : Times goes fast

Time seemed to pass by Starlight shores within a blink of an eye. It's been a year since I met Alex and now we were in a secure relationship. On the other hand, I haven't talked to Abi in a year. She told me to leave her alone and that's what I am doing but I feel like I need to fix what I had done a year ago. I shouldn't of abandoned her like that. I need to make up with her.

As a birthday present my dad offered to renovate my apartment to make it more homely for me. They interior designers done a spectacular job to it. Especially to the kitchen / dining / living room which I think is that best.

''Hey Jade why don't we go out today?'' I really couldn't be bothered to go out today, I just felt like lying here on Alex's leg for the whole day.

''I don't feel like going out.''

''Alex I need to make up with Abigail... soon.''

''Are you sure, she hasn't talked to you in a year are you sure she would accept it.''

''Alex we've been friends since we were 6 years old. She's been with me through thick and thin. She's helped me when my mum abandoned Evan and I. She's my best friend!''

''I know you regret abandoning her but just leave it for a few days, let it just cool down a bit more.'' I don't see how it could cool down any more after it being a year.

I decided to visit her house, on the way I stopped by the cemetery to visit Spencer. ''Spencer I still love you, don't think just because I'm with Alex doesn't mean I just forgot about you.''

I know he wouldn't respond but it was nice to still have a part of him next to me to make me feel like he's still here. I brought a refreshed bouquet of flowers and placed it on the green grass were his coffin was just a few feet in the ground.

Once I got home Alex looked rather upset. I asked him what was wrong and he replied, ''I don't know what's wrong with me, I just suddenly feel so down.'' I knew what would cheer him up but I didn't know if I was ready. It would be my first time and I was still a little nervous. Don't be nervous Jade, I can do it, just be calm. I thought to myself while I told Alex, ''Come into the bedroom in five minuets. I then raced to the bathroom, tied my hair in a simple bun and dressed myself in a tight and sexy outfit.
''READY!'' I shouted out and then Alex appeared in the room with his mouth hung open.

''Alex, I'm ready.''

''Are you sure, I don't want to push you into anything.''

''Alex I'm sure, I'm 100% ready.''

He pulled his shirt off and threw it behind him, took off his jeans which revealed a grey pyjama trouser. He jumped into the bed and pulled me in for a kiss. I felt kisses run down my neck he put his hand firmly on my bottom. That afternoon was special to me, it was my first time doing it and I felt happy about it.


''Yes Alex?''

''I love you.''

~-- The End --~

Thanks for reading Chapter 11 of The Cronwell Legacy, I really hoped you like it, and if you did please take your time to comment and rate . 

Also : My good friend, Evan Snider, is a great world creator for the Sims 3 and he asked me if you guys could have a look at his world and give your opinion on it. 

--------------> Evan's World <---------------




  1. Hey thanks for advertising my world :)
    I loved the chapter and I hope they can have kids! lol!

  2. tee hee hee...... I see a wedding and babies in the bear future!

    this was a really cute chapter! I love how Jade still visits Spencers grave <3

    Hopefully Abigail can forgive Jade..... they have been friends for so long!!!

    keep it up!

    ~Amiee & Becks

    1. Aww Thanks so much for commenting Amiee, and yes they will make up in an heartfelt chapter :)

  3. Yayy! Happy family ^_^ I hope Jade can make up with Abi!!


    1. Oh she will :D Thanks for commenting :D


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