Sunday, 24 June 2012

Generation 5, Chapter 12 : Just give me one more chance. Please.

''Morning Sexy.'' I said to Alex before pulling him in for a romantic hug. I felt the chill of his pale yet extremely muscular body press onto my tight outfit. ''Let's say we go out today, maybe the beach?''

''Yeah why not but I need to do something first, we need to make amends with Abi.'' Alex agreed with my decision and an hour later we got dressed and left my apartment, after locking the door.

It seemed she moved out of her parents house because I went to her parents house first but she told me that she moved out 2 months ago across town. But she did help me and gave me her new address. I tapped the address in my GPS and arrived there. ''Ready?'' I said to Alex hesitantly.

''Yes.'' He replied, we both took a deep breath and a hit the doorbell causing a short jingle to ring out.

'Click' the door went before Abi opened the door and simply said ''Hello?'' before looking at us. She suddenly changed from her beautiful smile that I missed to her grunting and cursing us saying, ''Ugh what are you too bastards doing here?''

''Abi I'm here to make amends with you.''

''Oh so now you come, after a year hoping that you would show up, begging me to forgive you and then I would pull you in for a hug while tears poured out from both of our eyes, but NO!'' That hurt me, I should of apologized to her months ago, even days after we had that fight. What a horrible friend I was.

''Abi I'm sorry. You didn't think I felt an inch of sorrow, every night for 2 months I couldn't get to sleep because I was thinking about you, the way I was being a bitch and abandoning you. Everyday of Every month in high school you were there for me through everything. I could always feel happy and safe around you and I just dumped it all, just like that.

Abi if you just give me one more chance, even just a little chance I will promise on my LIFE I will be there for you and make up for the shit I have done.''

Abigail burst into tears and pulled me in for a tight hug. She gave me a tissue and we both wiped are mascara from our sticky cheeks. Alex quickly spat out, ''Abi I'm sorry too, I shouldn't off duped you like that, I should of done it with some decency.''

After a long pause Abi looked at Alex and then hugged him. ''It's Okay.'' 

Everything was finally in one piece again. I had my amazing Boyfriend and my adorable best friend together again.

''Say why don't be go to the beach now?'' 

''Why not, it's scorching hot today, we might as well go!''

Just an hour later we went to the shops to buy some food to eat and then went back to my apartment to get a picnic basket and a umbrella to shade us from the hot sun.

Minuets later we were at the beach chumping on juicy hamburgers. ''So Alex have you proposed yet?'' 
As Abigail said that I chocked on my hamburger spitting it out on the dry sand. Alex put his plate down and look to the right pretending to see one of his friends to cause a distraction.

I never thought of the idea of marrying Alex. But as Abi said that I started imagining my possible future with Alex.

I imagined us moving into a three bedroom cottage.Us having to adorable kids, a boy and girl and raising them to be wonderful human beings. I imagined us growing old together and sitting on the lawn watching our 6 grand kids make a mess of themselves and that's when Abi shouted in my ear ''JADE!''

''Ohhh... Uh sorry I was in a daze.''

''You sure was.''

Alex quickly changed the subject by coughing and saying, ''Hey let's have some fun now!'' We all changed into suitable swimwear and ran across the sand pushing each other like we were ten again.

We had some fun time playing on the beach hour after hour but coming here made me constantly think of Spencer, I remember us playing here like we we were having the time of our life then he just collapsed in my arms. I will remember that very evening for the rest of my life.

''Say cheese!'' Abi said before we all posed and the camera took this picture of our trio. For once in a long time I felt happy again. I felt like everything was whole and peaceful again.

Abi left an hour later because she had to go work but Alex and I stayed at the beach. ''How did I fine such a wonderful girl huh?''

''Well you looked real close, and you found me.'' I replied

''I sure did.''

-~- The End -~-

Thanks for reading Chapter 12 of The Cronwell. I really hoped you like it, and if you did I would really appreciate it if you could leave a comment. 




  1. YAYAY the babies are coming soon ;)
    im so happy that jade and abi are friends again!!!!
    cant wait for the next chapter!

    1. Aww Thanks but your going to have too wait for a few chapter before bebe No.1 is shown.

  2. All i have to say is this, AWESOME!!


    1. Aww Thanks Jenny :D
      You put a smile on my face.

    2. :D well when i think i'm ready to make a legacy in the sims and share it, you will be running though my head when i make it :)

  3. You might have to start working on making your story a tad more realistic. In a real life situation, Abigail would probably not be so quick at forgiving Jade and start hanging out with them again so quickly.

    Just my two cents. You could improve a lot by focusing on smaller details.

    1. Well thats rude, cant you just enjoy that they're friends again?

    2. Actually it had been a year since they didn't say a word to each other so is was long enough. And Abigail and Jade have been friends for a looong time so they would always forgive each other.

    3. It's criticism - although it may sound rude, it's supposed to help improve his writing, if he wishes to act upon what was said.

    4. As I said before, they are great friends so that's why she forgave her so quickly.

  4. Awwww! FRIENDS AGAIN :D Lizzy getting teary eyed. Great Chapter Kurtis :)

  5. I'm glad they all made up again, Jade should find Abi a nice guy. And it's your story so write it the way you want, don't listen to others who anonymously comment! Wishing Jade and Alex babies soooon! XD

    1. Aww Thanks LJ For the reassurance, I felt quite down when I saw that comment but you just made it better!! Thanks :D


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