Monday, 25 June 2012

Generation 5, Chapter 13 : Why did you come back?

The past two months have been very good for me. Alex and I have become even stronger. After a long talk with Abigail, we both decided that if Alex and I broke up, we would forget about misters for while and
stay secure sisters. 

There's this accruing feeling in my head that Alex is going to propose to me very soon. But I don't know if I'n ready, ready for the lie of a domestic wife. I don't just want to be at home all the time constantly cleaning while Alex works in the police force. I promised myself if he was too propose and I was to say yes, I would be determined of earn my own money and not by my husband giving it to me.

One random morning I came out of the bathroom adding moisturiser to my cheeks when I stopped in my tracks and dropped the cream, splashing all over the floor. Sitting causally in my couch was yet again, my poor excuse of a mother.

What the hell are you doing here, again!'' I screamed at her and then pointing my middle finger at her causing her mouth to drop open.

''Jade, I'm sorry for calling saying that I should of aborted you. I was in deep depression and my mind was going crazy. I know that is that was no excuse but-.'' I cut her off instantly.

''Oh so you come here, on a random day 4 years after saying that I was 'an accident' and that 'I should of aborted you' and then you have the audacity to come here and just apologize like that!''

Alex came rushing out of our bedroom with a tensed look on his face. ''Is everything OK honey?''

''Yes everything will be when my MUM get's the hell out of my life.''

''Oh okay... with all due respect Ms. Cronwell, could you please leave our - .'' My mum cut off Alex's words causing him to have an angry look on his face.

''Oh and who is this Jade, you horny man toy?'' On that note I had the right mind to slap her across the cheek but I held myself back.

''No mum, this is my boyfriend actually.'' Then Alex coughed up something which totally caught me off guard.

''Actually she's my fiancée is she agrees?'' That very sentence was some sort of Proposal. I kept on thinking about it until I zoned back into the real world and continued arguing with my mum.

''Oh so now your getting married to this man toy!''

''MUM! He's not my man toy, he my fiancée.'' Yes I said Fiancée, that note was a kind of answer to his weird proposal.

''You know what mum, just get the fuck out, I have had it up herewith your rude remarks. I wish your were an ant because I would step and spit on you. You are NOTHING to me. NOTHING.''

''But Ja -.''

''BUT NOTHING MUM, Get the fuck out!''

In my rage I pushed her out of my door and onto the elevator door. ''Chelsea Cronwell, I am divorcing you as my mother.''

''No Jade you can't.''

''Oh yes I can, tomorrow I am going to the court to get you removed from my legal details.''

''NOW GO!'' I said and in more rage I pushed her in the elevator.

''Jade I'm so-.''

''No Alex, I don't want to talk right now.''

I curled up into a ball and began to cry once again. ''Jade I'm so sorry. And about the proposal, if your not up too marriage, it's fine.'' I slowly got up and polled Alex of off the couch into my arms.

''Alex it's not your fault, my mum's just got issues.''

''Well on that note, I have a surprise for you.''

''How big of a surprise?''

''Really big.''

''Alex what are you doing?''

''I proposed to you earlier but now I'm giving you a proper proposal.''

''Jade there's something I want to ask you.'' I blushed.

''Oh is there Alex?''

''Jade I want to cherish you, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Your the one for me Jade.
Jade Mari Cronwell, will you do the honour of marrying me?''

I tried not be surprised seeing that I expected this but I couldn't stop. Tears flowed out of my eyes and I couldn't get any word out of my mouth. All the emotions were string up in my head.

''Y-Yes Alex Yes!!'' He pushed the ring on my finger and I jumped into his hand causing my years to fly all around us.

''Alex I love you so much.''

''Jade, I love you too.''

~~~ The End ~~~

Thanks for reading another chapter of The Cronwell Legacy. I really hoped you liked the proposal and the chapter. And just a heads up, Chelsea's not going to come back again so everyone can blow a sign of relief! And also if you have the time please leave me a comment on what you thought. 



  1. aww, marriage. finally -.- hehe, loved it ^-^

    1. Thanks Suzz :D And Thanks for commenting!

  2. Yayy! They are getting married!!... Now on with the babies!!

    1. :D They'll be babies reaaaal soon - Thanks for commenting!

  3. YAYAY
    LOL ''Actually she's my fiancée if she agrees?''
    that made me laugh!
    i hope Jade never see's her evil mother ever again, not after what she did to Jades father and the rest of her family.
    cant wait for the next post!!!
    (and de babies :D )


    1. - She won't be seeing her, at least she doesn't think so....
      - & Thanks for commenting!!!!!

  4. Yay!!! They're getting married! *wedding bells goes off* YAY :D

    But why does Jade's mother keep coming back?

    1. Aw Thanks Lizz & About Chelsea; all will be explained once Jade has her first child!

    2. YAYYYYYYY! But why her first child? eh, I'll just wait...

  5. Awesome chapter! Loved it! I am so happy that their getting married now! *celebrates*

    1. Oh thank you too Sky, I've already planned out the wedding so it looks like it's going to be a eventful wedding!!

  6. Yipee wedding! Babies please, lol! Chelsea must be around for a reason...O.o

    1. Don't worry LJ babies will arrive soon & About Jade's mum, all will be explained once Jade and Alex there baby :D

  7. Aww Thanks Annika and thanks for commenting!


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