Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Generation 8, Chapter 17 - Christmas Miracles (Christmas Special)

Eight long months had passed by us once more and a lot had happened. We did decide to put our wedding on hold until the next Autumn/Winter months and by time the colorful cherry trees began to shed their leaves, I was eight months pregnant, literally waddling down the street until we made it to the wedding lot.

I obviously had to exchange my elegant wedding dress for a much more expanding dress which I could actually fit in! I heard that most bride's would never get married while pregnant because they thought they were 'Oversized' but I honestly didn't care, in fact I would prefer getting married while pregnant, it made the event ten times more fun!

It was't long before my parents, brother, sisters, Aunts, Uncles and cousins pulled up in their exclusive cars and rushed us to greet myself, Oswald and little Olivia. Ever since we decided to take Olivia into our care, my mother said how proud she was of me accepting Olivia and effectively bringing her up as my own child.

My dad on the other hand focused more on the baby inside of me!

''God Stella you're huge, are you sure you're not having twins?'' My dad cheekily asked me, grinning at my bulging belly.

''No dad, of course I'm not! We've had two checkups and the sauna gram showed one baby dad, not two!'' I replied.

''Oh okay ... If you say so!'' He then replied as he continued to feel our unborn baby.

We also decided not to find out the gender of our baby, he or she is due on December 24th and we thought it would be an even better surprise for Christmas!

The reality of Oswald and I getting married quickly felt much more real as Olivia skipped like a little princess down the isle, giggling as she never knew exactly what was happening. I went down on one knee to catch her in my arms, but she ended up throwing herself into my arms!

''Oooh god Olivia, I almost dropped!'' I said widening out my eyes as she continued to giggle in my arms.

''Sorry Stella, did I hurt the bebe!?'' She said, still giggling as she tapped my belly lightly.

''No darling, your little brother or sister is perfectly fine, I think he or she wants to come out though!'' I replied, puffing as my baby started to kick frequently.

''When is it going to come out Stella?'' She asked innocently.

''Hopefully, Christmas Eve my dear!''

''But that's the night before Christmas, we have to wait for Santa to come!!'' She instructed.

''Aw, don't worry Olivia, sometimes babies come early, sometimes they come late so he or she might not be born on Christmas Eve!'' I reassured her.

''But if it is born on Christmas Eve!?'' She asked worryingly.

''Well Santa will have to meet us at the hospital, and get an extra present for your little brother or sister!'' I replied.

''You're right Stella, he will! Can you tell him that daddy?'' She asked once more.

''Sure thing princess.'' Oswald replied, giggling like his daughter was before.

The guests took their seats, Ceallach watched Olivia as I sat her down and the ceremony began.

''Friends, we have joined here today to share with Stella and Oswald an important moment in their lives. Their time together, they have seen their love and understanding of each other grow and blossom and now they have decided to live out the rest of their lives as one.'' My father read.

''I, Oswald Kelvin Davis, take you Stella Kimmie Cronwell, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part.''


''Most people would think I'm mad for marrying this girl in front of me, but they don't know Stella. Stella's a hell of a strong woman, just like her mother!'' Oswald said, turning around quickly and winking at my mum as she grinned away. ''Anyway, the fact is, you've been through nearly everything and I'm willing to go through the rest with you. I love you Stella, I really do.'' He continued to say. 

I, Stella Kimmie Cronwell, take you, Oswald Kelvin Davus to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part.


''When I met you, I honestly was really attracted to you, but I never expected nothing to happen ... I mean you did have a wife and unborn child! Years later, after coming out of prison I honestly thought you upped and left, but you didn't. You waited for me, and it at that very moment that when I saw you on the beach, I knew we'd be together forever. I love you Oswald, I really do.'' I said

"By the power vested in the State of Sunset Valley, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride, Mr. Cronwell.'' My father then read out, before sitting down next to my mum to watch us kiss.

''I can't believe our first baby girl's married!'' I heard my mother shout out, tearing up as she did.

''I know, two down, three to go!'' My dad joked, causing mum to choke on the thought of my younger sisters getting married!

''Oh god, calm your Robbie, the twins are not even twenty - one yet!'' My mother expressed, returning her concentration onto Oswald and I.

''Damn Oswald!'' I shouted out as the crowd whistled on, while Oswald dip kissed me.

''Cake time!'' Craig called out, causing everyone to break into laughter! We were literally rushed over to the amazingly decorated Cake and together, Oswald and I cut the Cake.

''I hope this baby likes Vanilla icing because I certainly don't! Ugh.'' I said, gulping down the Cake, trying not to throw it back up.

As the evening progressed, some of the guests left which left Oswald and I to have our first dance in private.

''Considering you're heavily pregnant, you're quite light on your feet!'' Oswald cheekily said, leading m elegantly across the cold, wooden dance floor.

''Oi! Cheeky!'' I replied, slapping him playfully as he twirled me around again.

''Stella, daddy, look at the sunset!'' Olivia called out, running frantically to us, dragging my wedding dress over to were the balcony was.

''It's beautiful isn't it!'' Olivia said, pushing through our legs to get another gimps at the sun set.

''It sure is ...'' Oswald, reaching for my hand.

'' ...Just like our new family.'' He added. Olivia grabbed our legs as we giggled the night away. Our wedding was literally perfect and if I was honest, I wouldn't of changed one thing. It was the perfect day.

-- Exactly a month later ... --

Surprisingly, just as Olivia worried, it was Christmas Eve and I was still pregnant. The doctor said it's quite common for some babies to be late and it seemed that ours would bed, if not it might just be born on it's exact due date!

Although I was quite happy being pregnant with our baby, it was becoming a real pain carrying around so much weight ... and not even fitting into my maternity jeans anymore! Oswald said it was just the extra weight of what I ate but I guess I'd find out why I felt so 'heavy' when I finally give birth ...

Olivia, like every other kid in Sunset Valley couldn't wait to open her presents and didn't waste any time trying to get a peak at the huge present at the back for her!

I coughed slightly and she jumped around to see me peaking my head through the arch.

''Opening some presents are you?'' I said to Olivia, as she began to giggle like she was innocent!

''No Stella ... I was just checking to see if you wrapped them extra tight!'' Olivia tried to explain, covering her mouth to disguise her small laughs.

''If you're sure ... I'll give you the benefit of the doubt!'' I replied.

''What's that Stella?'' She asked, intrigued as to what I just said.

''Never you mind darling, I'll explain it to you later in life!'' I said, picking her up and tickling her slightly.

''There are my two favorite ladies in the world!'' Oswald said, setting down his shopping bags in the kitchen and shutting the door with his foot.

''Daddy, you're back!'' Olivia shouted out.

''I am my princess! Daddy just picked up your last Christmas present, no peeking though, it's not wrapped yet!'' Oswald said to Olivia, stroking her perfectly brown hair.

''I wouldn't count on that, I just caught little Miss. Hartcastle taking a sneak peak at the present I brought her!'' I said, tickling her once more as she giggled away at her sneaky act.

''Is that right huh, someone's being a bit sneaky this year aye!'' Oswald indicated to Olivia, giggling just as much as she was.

''I'm sowwy! Stella, I'm hungry!''

''Go get your bottle honey, it's on the coffee table over there.'' I said to Olivia, putting her down gently to get her bottle of milk.

As I turned around for a second, I heard Oswald rustle around behind me which surprisingly was a mistletoe!

''Oh look honey, it's seems someone has mysteriously put up a mistletoe which we coincidentally are standing under right this minuet, you know what that means ...''

''Oh I know exactly what that means!'' I replied flirtatiously.

Just as we were about to kiss, Olivia tapped the ground with her milk bottle.

''Daddy, Stella, kissing is nasty! Stop!'' She said, covering her eyes with her milk bottle and giggled.

''We're sorry darling, we won't do it in front of next time, how's that?'' I asked.

''That's good!'' She said, relieved as Oswald snuck a peck on my cheek.


That same Christmas Eve, we decided to take a quick trip to the Winter Festival and spend some time together as a family.

 Of course, Olivia spotted the spring riders and demanded we let her have a go! We couldn't really say no so Oswald helped her up onto the rider and she literally had the time of her!

Swinging back and forth, I got slightly worried that she'd fly off but Oswald reassured me that is was most probably just my motherly instincts kicking in and that she was perfectly fine on it. 

"Stella, Stella, look at me go! It's like I'm in space!" Olivia said with such enthusiasm inside her.

"Oh can see you darling, be careful though, we want to go to hospital to get your little brother or sister out of me, not to get yu fixed up!" I said, hoping she wouldn't fall off.

"She looks likes she's being pretty careful on -." I said before I was cut off by a sudden sharp pain in my stomach area. 

"Oh god, oh god, oh god!" I shouted out, clutching my belly in pain as my water broke and a small trickle of warm liquid ran down my brand new maternity jeans. 

"Stella are you-. Oh god the babies coming!" Oswald shouted out, looking at my in pain, in pure shock.

"What's wrong with Stella!?" Olivia panicked, crying on the ground as Oswald got me by my shoulders.

"Olivia honey Stella's having the baby now, we have got to get her to the hospital so she can have a safe delivery, just follow us to the car princess and we'll be there in no time." Oswald explained, hoping she would stop crying and get in the car. 

"But we might miss Santa, we can't miss Santa!" She replied worriedly, reluctant to get up.

"Don't worry honey we'll catch him just before he leaves!" Oswald explained.

"We will Olivia, don't you-." I stopped quickly as another huge contraction kicked in.

"Holy shit! Oswald get me to the hospital now!" I said, cringing in pain as I could barely walk to the car.

As we got to the hospital, the pain died down a bit but it was still there, and this baby was sure as hell coming tonight. 

"Anything I can while we wait for the midwife honey, anything!" Oswald kindly asked.

"Just a little back massage would be perfect dear ..." I said, still in some pain.

"Don't worry darling, we're going to get through this perfectly and by the end of the night we're to have a little or girl of our own!" Oswald reassured, as I turned around to smile 


"I can't do this, I can't fucking do this!" I screamed out as both Oswald and the midwifes told me to take deep breaths and push frequently.

"You can do this honey, I know you can!" Oswald assured me, holding my hand tight. 

" I-I can't ...!" I screamed out once more.

All of sudden, things went blurry and the last I heard the midwife mention was the number two to Oswald and as he turned to be with a face full of complete shock, I blacked out.


"6:26 am" The clock beside me read as I was beginning to become aware of my surroundings. I leaned forward in my hospital bed to see my room completely empty, no Oswald, no Olivia ... No baby. 

Instantly, I began to worry.

"Where the hell is everyone ..." I questioned, stumbling out of my bed and trying my best to walk upright to the door.

In the hallway I managed to instantly find Oswald staring into a room full of baby incubators. 

I couldn't quite piece why he was just standing there, staring straight into the glass which was when I decided to say his name.

"O-o-Oswald ...?" I called out to him.

"Stella, you're awake! I'm so glad you woke up from the operation!" He explained, running over to embrace me.

"Operation, what operation, I had an operation!? For what!?" I asked worriedly, not having a clue what happened after I blacked out.

"You blacked out and the doctor was pretty sure you wouldn't be able to deliver the babies naturally so they give you a C-Section."

"D-Did you just say babies, as in more than one ...?" I questioned once more. 

"Ah, shit. I knew I would mess it up. Basically, the doctors said there was a huge news up in the sauna grams ..."

"... All this time your dad was right, we were in fact expecting non- identical twins, a boy and a girl. It was thought that the little girl was literally 'sitting' on the little boy the whole pregnancy, which explains why the little boy is much lower in weight. The fact is .... We have two babies!" He explained, in great detail. 

To be honest, I was still in complete shock that I blacked out, and even in more shock that I deliver two babies instead of one.

"Well ... You know what they say, the - uh - more, the merrier!" I said, hugging him once more before going into the nursery to meet my new babies.

"So, what should we name them?" Oswald asked, kissing the little girl on the cheek. 

"How about we name this little boy Remy, and we name her Dominique, sound good?" I suggested, then asked.

"Remy Atticus Cronwell and Dominique Ami Cronwell, sounds pretty perfect to me!" Oswald replied as he also decided on their middle names as well. 

That same day, we decided to get our first family photo taken. Although Olivia didn't catch Santa Claus, she told me having a little brother and sister was what she wished for, she called it her Christmas miracle.

A Christmas Miracle indeed! 

Author's note ~

Ah, the third Cronwell Legavy Christmas Special was quite different to the last two whuch focoused more on a traditional Christmas, wheras Christmas for Stella this year wasn't her average Christmas! 

Anyway, thank you so much for reading this years Christmas special and in fact, all the chapters this year! I really hope the legacy this year because I really do put so much effort into this blog!

Just a quick question, did you expect Stella to have twins? Leave a little comment answering the question and I'll be sure to reply! 

Thank you again and ... 


Friday, 20 December 2013

Generation 8, Chapter 16 [PART 2] - Olivia.

Previously ...

''That isn't ...'' I said worryingly, looking down at my feet awkwardly.

''It is. Oswald meet your daughter, Olivia.'' Oswlad Ex - wife said to him, looking down at the enthusiastic little toddler.


''What the hell are you doing here!?''  Oswald shouted out at Launa, who was still standing there quite awkwardly with Oswald's child in her hands.

''I - I thought it would be a good time to meet your daughter ...'' She said quite loudly, matching Oswald's angry tone.

''Oh what, three years later!'' Oswald replied harshly, causing his child to go silent.

''Oswald calm down, you're scaring Olivia! Why don't we all just calm down, sit in the living room and have a proper chat about this ... Okay?'' I suggested, hoping they'd both calm down for the sake of their child, my ears and my unsettled stomach ...

''That's fine with me ...'' Launa politely agreed.

''Whatever ...'' Oswald said angrily, looking at me.

''Oswald, be nice, at least until she's gone.'' I whispered as quietly as possible to him, hoping he'd be civil about the current situation.

For a few minuets, the room went completely quiet, and consequently became full of awkwardness. I couldn't help but admire their little daughter, she just seemed so normal and unaware about the whole situation, even though she was three, clearly old enough to know what was going on.

''So ... Launa is it?'' I asked, trying to get the conversation started.

''Yes. I'm sure Oswald has told you a lot about me.'' She said, looking at Oswald for him to then cut his eye at her and continue to casually play with his daughter.

''Yeah, he sure has. Not to beat around the bush or anything but why are you here ...?'' I awkwardly asked.

''Well ... Let me explain. I know you'll probably say no, so there's pretty much no point of asking but I need a huge, life changing favor ...'' She said, looking quite sad as she said it.

''And that is?'' Oswald abruptly said.

''I was hoping you and you're ... wife?'' She discreetly asked.

''Fiance.'' I replied quickly.

''Well ... Fiance, would be able to take Olivia into your care full time.'' She asked. I sort of went breathless as she asked that huge favor, not seeing it coming one bit.

''You're some piece of work Launa! You have my baby, don't even let me know her name, take all custody rights from me and then three years later stumble into our home and practically giver us to her! That's fucking messed up!'' Oswald viciously said to Launa. Olivia turned around and frowned slightly at her dad as he swore and I also gave him a disappointing look as well.

''Well I'm sorry! If I'm honest, I done it purely for revenge. I never wanted to divorce you, in all honesty you were the love of my life, and I could clearly see from that day you would get with her and as I can clearly see now ... Marry her. But that's in the past. We're having really bad money trouble right now, so much so that I just can't handle bringing Olivia up in a dingy one bedroom flat. You guys live the high life ... Huge house, multiple businesses, you have it all for her and I'm wondering, if you could, could you please take her into your care? Not for me, but for her. Please ...?'' Launa literally pleaded.

I looked back at Oswald, and he looked just as shocked as I was at that moment.

''Dad, swearing is bad!'' Olivia innocently shouted at her dad, as he let out a little smile.

''I'm sorry little girl, I won't swear again!'' He replied.

''... Give us a minuet, we need to talk about this.'' Oswald said to Launa, as he stood up.

''As much as I hate Launa for what she done, I really do love my daughter, even though I just met her. She seems so full of life and I'm sure she'd fit in perfect with us ....'' He said.

''... What I'm asking is that, would you help me bring her up?'' He asked me. I had my mind up well before he asked me that question, and the obvious answer would be yes.

''Of course I would Oswald! You've done so much for me throughout these three years, especially when I went to Prison ... You waited for me, for one and half years! This is the least I can do for you, and besides, Olivia would be an amazing addition to our new family!'' I said excitingly.

''Thank you so much Stella ... Oh and don't think this is going to stop us having our own children because I want that more than anything!'' He reassured me, amorously hugging me at the same time.

''Launa ... Don't think I done this for you, because I didn't. I'm only doing this for the sake and well being of my daughter, nothing else. But thank you, I'm glad you didn't choose another option like adoption or stuff like that ...'' Oswald said to her.

''I thought it was a perfect time to do this. Do you mind if I say goodbye to her? Her things are in the hallway.'' She replied

''No problem go ahead.'' He replied.

''Goodbye my little flower, don't think because I'm leaving you here doesn't mean I don't love you because I love you more than anything. In fact, I'm doing this because I love you.'' She cooed.

''I love you too mum, are you going to visit me!?'' Olivia asked anxiously.

''If it's okay with daddy and his fiance, sure! But not as often though, mummy has to sort out her life first, get things in order ...'' She said, as she teared up.

If I'm to be honest, I felt really sorry for Launa, having to bring up a child in her financial state for three years, however that still isn't a good reason for her to deny Oswald access to Olivia ...

''Thank you Stella, and Oswald. I really appreciate this.'' She said, as she walked towards the front door.

''No problem, Launa. She is my daughter after all.'' I replied as she let out a little smile.


Some few days later, I was greeted in the morning with some lovely sickness.

''Oh shit-.'' I said quickly as the vomit circled inside my mouth.

I bolted through the multiple hallways of the bottom floor and literally flung my head into the toilet.

''Oh god ...'' I said, wiping the remaining vomit off my face.

''You're not ... P-Pregnant ... right?'' Oswald awkwardly asked as he came in with Olivia.

''I- I think I am.'' I replied.


Babies galore aye ^_^ Thanks for reading Part 2 of Chapter 16 of The Cronwell Legacy

I hoped you liked it, and if you did, please leave a little comment!

Thanks. :)